I tried to search the archives but could not find the answer to my question. I have finished laminating (and glassing on the fins) with kwik kick epoxy. Where I sanded the laps there is dust in the pinholes. I found a bunch of threads in the archives regarding dust in pinholes after the sand coat but not after the lam. I tried using the shop vac to suck the dust out but to no avail. I don’t want to hotcoat until I get the dust out. The board (the “Sinker”) is fairly dark colored and the white pinholes will look like crap. In the other threads, regarding dust in pinholes in the sand coat, Greg Leohr suggests using baby oil, but before the hot coat sounds like a no go.
Shop vac. again but with the small circular bristle brush that always comes shipped with them…
Vac out the dust in the holes while vigorously rubbing the fine ends of the bristles over the pin holes…
Try that first… But as you have no compressor, you might have to wash out the dust with 100% isopropyl alcohol or at worst acetone using an old toothbrush…
You can also wash the board with Dawn soap as a last resort, some guys swear by it… Never done it though…
Time to buy some kind of an air compressor. If you are gonna build boards; an air compressor is an invaluable tool. In the interim try a can of compressed air as mentioned above.