[=Black][=1][ 2](Edit 10/07/06. Notes on rewrite. KC)
Rewrite Notes.
After reading the replies it was fairly clear that these posts didn’t accomplish what had I had hoped they would. I then rewrote the posts, but while in the process of resubmitting them, I realized that my rewrite wasn’t likely to make matters any better. At that point I just decide to leave it be for a while, though I left the diagrams, which virtually contain all that was written, but in a more condensed form.
So whatever turns out to be the case, it should be noted that the comments which have been posted by others may or may not apply to what is eventually the final form of this thread.
Those that have posted to date will be notified of what I am doing and given the opportunity to remove (if only the body) of their post. If they choose not to do so, please make sure you observe the time of their post. If it’s prior to the time of this edit, then there is a good chance they are referring to something that’s not there anymore.
Part 1 A Simple Vector Model of A Surfboard on A Wave
We can broadly group the forces acting on a surfer/surfboard system into two groups, those that provide propulsion (thrust), or propulsive forces and those that act to resist motion, or resistive forces.
Whatever the forces involved, or how they operate to achieve one thing or another, ultimately it will be necessary to relate those forces to the surfer/surfboard system and its environment. That is, we need a model of a surfer/surfboard system and its environment.
In the following I attempt to sketch out a simple vector model of a surfer/surfboard system in its environment. It’s not the only model. Models are usually made to investigate or ‘model’ particular aspects of some thing, which usually means leaving everything that is not of immediate interest out of the model. In this respect a model at best is an abstraction, or a simplification - and the model that is developed here is no exception – it leaves a whole lot out. Often the bits left out of the model can be incorporated by assigning ‘lumped’ properties to the model, like a total surface area and possibly its orientation, without providing much more detail about that property -i.e. its exact shape. This is basically the approach taken here. However, the approach does not prevent one from incorporating more information (whether it be additional properties or detail, in general) at later time.
What follows is fairly mathematical, but nothing more than a first year college level course in calculus, possibly less, wouldn’t allow you to handle.
The Model
We start with a surfer/surfboard system on a wave, see figure 1 insert of a surfer/surfboard system on a wave. We identify the following; the unit normal to the surfboard, the unit vector directed along the centerline of the surfboard, the wetted area of the bottom of the surfboard (and its leading wetted edge) and the unit vector in the direction of fluid motion, see figure 1.
These unit vectors (which basically represent the direction only as they only have a magnitude of unity) are assumed knowable. Of course this may not be the case, but here they are. From this set it is possible to generate a lot of information, or in this case a lot of other unit vectors and those that will be derived here are given in figure 2. (Actually, one more assumption will be required, see next below.)
The fluid motion vectors have not been placed in the inserts because they are somewhat controversial, at least they may require some additional explanation. In the end however, exactly how the orientation of the flow vector is arbitrary (that is, up to the modeler) and should not have any impact on the correctness of the model itself. Well, that’s assuming the model is correct.
In figure 3 the calculation of the unit vector perpendicular to the long length of the surfboard is made. The remaining vectors are derived in Part 1 cont. in a following post.