I got this board a few months back and thought, since I love reading this site so much, maybe others would enjoy seeing it.
Here’s the question. Is it a popout? Its pretty heavy (though I don’t honestly know how heavy, maybe 35 pounds? I’ll weigh it soon and update).
how can one tell?
Its for sure a “log”.
but mostly, I just wanted to say “here’s a giant board I own, regard it! Wonder at its majesty!”
If you want to find a label, the most common place for a 60s board is about 1/4 up from the tail, on the deck.
The fin does not look original, but more like a crude, home made replacement.
In the picture of the tail and fin, there is an obviously visible ridge where they didn’t bother to sand the rails after the gloss coat was applied. This is usually a dead giveaway it’s a popout. Other indicators are the thick, shapeless tail and rails. I’d be willing to bet that if you sanded away the red resin on the bottom, down to the glass right at the nose, you will not see a stringer. But, if you do the same on the deck at the nose there will be a routed stringer. Another tell-tale sign of a popout.
But, all that aside, it could be a backyard build by a novice who bought a blank and didn’t bother re-shaping it.
Yes, if you took off the fin and put it on the opposite end; you would have a rounded pin tail snubbed nose rider. Take a router to the area where th fin was and rout in a sweet spot concave. Seriously. If you sand on it and it turns out to be a no name pop out or backyard board; I’d turn it in to the project I described above. Probably would ride awesome.
No guts
No glory…
Perhaps some of that legendry “story” that we surfers are renowned.
Hollywood and the surf movies, shit I was given a “prop” surfboard.
Eh, I was lucky. Gotta nice Bing.
That said, most the prop boards had a “Phil” label and were junk.
Well, as the story goes….
Velzy (Dale) eyeballs this “Phil” prop board one day.
Grabs a grinder (those day right at the tail about 3 inches or so)
And, proceeds to uncover,
a “rope” Velzy logo,
sits back (takes a swigg of vodka) and sez,
“thought it looked familiar”…
I have heard similar stories. Sauers had a deal with the production company that made the Beach Party movies, and Ride the Wild Surf. I guess that sometimes they could not round up enough boards to serve as props out of his own inventory and would grab whatever they could muster, sticking a Phil logo on them to keep the look uniform.