For some reason this little post by Simon hit me right in the heart.I am stoked for you man.This could best time in your life.I am getting ready to turn 60 this year so I lurk here a lot and just take it all in.Swaylocks is like a window to the surfing worls in real time.I am still amazed how much it has become an international thing.We tend to take the internet for granted.It’s amazing to talk live for free with someone on the other side of the world.Just an old man’s thought I guess. RB
Hi Simon, after 4 months of constant visitors, my life would not be worth living if I bought home another stray dog (no offence intended) and explained it to my wife. But PM me and I can at least take you surfing and hook you up with some people you might wanna talk to. My friend runs a backpackers here in Lennox and I think they have space over easter. Drop us a PM and we’ll work something out.
Not sure what your plans down the road are but you can try contacting Stefan and Jonno from Surfing50States. One lives in Manly, the other in Victoria. I hosted them while they were on their 8 month journey across the US to film themselves surfing all 50 states. Both are fantastic young men. Wish I had their drive and imagination when I was their age. You can contact them through their website at If you do contact 'em, tell them that Kim from Virginia Beach sent you their way. They managed to tour for over 6 months without paying for a hotel once, so you can do it too. It’s all about networking and helping someone realize their goals.
THanks for sharing your insight, stoke and knowledge with us here on Sways…I feel like I know you in some strange way because of the internet and your video. Your truely a master jedi…
I can remember going up to Hatteras (we called it Nags head back then) when there were hardly any surfers.This was mid 60’s.I caught one day at the Lighthouse when it was perfect glass head high reformers.Still longboard era…the water was so clear you got dizzy watching the bottom pass by underneath you.Mullet flying all over the place.Surf trips are awsome.We sometimes sit around talking story about how we would take off at the drop of a hat in some ragged out vehicle…no money…no spare tire…a jar of peanut butter…we just we were dumb. (or were we smart?)
Dont worry about those possums, i have a possum that breaks into my house and one sleeps on my lap in bed some nights.
Most of them are fairly tame, build a little house for them even so on cold and wet nights they have shelter and wont come into your house.
Good lick on your travels, im moving out this weekend and if it was a week or so later i could offer you some free accomadation, but no i cant. will be heading to indo soon aswell.
Hope you get waves, its been pretty small on the south coast lately.
Technically Hatteras and Nags Head are separate places, about 50 miles apart. One of my favorite place on Earth, even with all of the development down there you can still catch great uncrowded waves.
Surfoils, mate - I’ll try to call out to see you, even just to do an interview about the Sydney area, in a hotel booked by herself.
Not seen her in 6 weeks, and was looking forward to seeing her here, just to find out her flight has been delayed due to weather. If a possum crawls into my room and anywhere in the vicinity of my lap, the little bugger(ee) will have a lot more to worry about than food - in times of desperation I tend to loose fear and discrimination. Lets just say its interspecies erotica as opposed to bestiality.
Anyhoo - its campervan from here down to Tazzy, then onto Kiwiland.
I was in West Oz, and regret not spending a few days there, but flight prices, schedules etc. had me in the East before the 17th, but I shall return.
Went to visit Scotty Dillon in Coffs Harbour - great guy, great Museum and on the road, fantastic history of surfcraft, all on video.
Did Sydney, great town - got a great deal from - surfer friendly and sound.
Been driving fairly hard last two days, got lost in a national forest while taking a quick detour that lasted too long - very Blair Witch Project - Thank God for 4WD.
Saw a black Kangaroo in the middle of it.
Passed through Eden, felt it was over-rated, mind you - story of co-operation between Orcas and whalers was unreal. Stopped now at Lakes Entrance, on to Wilsons Prom or Phillip Island - then Melbourne and Tazz, and EnZed.
Just spent the week in Taz, cold, bit flat in South where I was with family.Those commitments precluded going too far from base, beautiful place though.
Just landed New Zealand, fufilling a lifetimes ambition, and south looking good in 4-5 days.