does anyone know where i can get blanks on the east coast without having to pay the $100 shipping that i would have to to get them from ca??
Where on the east coast, north east, obx, florida?
WRV in Virginia beach. Not sure how far of a drive from MD. There’s got to be a few shapersin the OCean City area. Ashton comes t mind, though not exactly where he is located…call them up and see if you can piggyback on their blank orders
yea i thought of ashton and xyz but im not sure how to get in touch with either of them if any one knows it would be great
call…stop by…shapers may be a different breed of beach bum, but they’re just as easy-going (most of the time).
Call this number:
Eastern Lines - 1605 Ocean Avenue - Belmar, NJ 07719
(732) 681-6405
They used to sell a ton of Ashton models and they had a close relationshiup. Not sure if they still do but they could put you in touch with him.
This shop keeps some irregular winter hours, but call them on the weekends during x-mas and they’ll be open for sure.
Get in touch with Clark Foam of Florida.They can quote you shipping.Order more than one blank and fill up a box (3 is a good number).I get mine shipped via Averett Trucking and pick them up at the terminal.It runs about $12.00 per blank.Clark Foam can give you all this info. RB