Q; are ecotech's abit heavy on there own?
A; no, not really.
they're like the old roger's foam.
they suck down resin like an elefant drinks water.
i pre-lam the blank before glassing.
this reduces/eliminates the overall weight, shrinking and delam issue.
Q; do et's yellow fast?
A; yes!
so,color it.
airbrush,foamy,heavy tinting(better known as opague),will fix that problem.
you want a white board..........tape the stringer off and color it white.
for me personally,i've had no problems with the blank.
but,two of the 15 or so i have built ,have snapped in half,,,,,,,,,not by me,,,,,,,,,but by other riders.
i concider the echo's a reject blank w/ potential.
i have(left over) a few blanks in a gun template............i don't think i would trust them for big wave surfing.
however,the few i have ridden worked well,and had excellent float per foam ratio.