Eddie Vedder

So I’m aware that Eddie Vedder of Pearl Jam is a surfer. What I am curious about is, while living in Seattle during the begining years of Pearl Jame taking off in the 90’s, does anyone know if he surfed in Washington at all?

Personally, I’m from the Olympic Peninsula, and I was approached with a similar question, and while never have thinking about it, I confirmed that I had never heard of or seen him around the Olympic Peninsula at any surf spots. But I figured some one out there might have some urban legends to share about this.



Eddie was originally from SanDiego,Ca.

Heck of nice guy.


I did read something quoting him a little over a year ago. He said that one of the things that he was proudest of was the fact that after years of dedication, he finally considers himself a “junior waterman”. :0)

He also mentioned that he has tried (to no avail) on occassion to catch a freighter wake while stand up paddling in Puget Sound - I’m guessing around Alki point .

He spent a lot of time at The Lapaloma Theater in Encinitas while he was growing up.

He is a pretty cool guy.

There was a cable TV series a couple of years ago called “Iconoclasts” where famous icon’s from different genre’s spend time and “interview” each other.

One of the episodes was Eddie Veder and Laird Hamilton!

If you haven’t seen it…it is well worth the watch.


Eddie has a real love of surfing. Where he surfs and when he surfs is his business.

I know from first hand aquaitence he is a humble surfer who recognises that as a musician he is Kelly, as a surfer of renown he has a long road ahead.

Leave him be as just another in the lineup, earning his pecking order for his surfing ability alone. He would appreciate that, from what I am told.

Rock 'n roll


Seriously man, don’t get on my post and vibe me for asking a simple question. “his buisess”, “leave him be” What ever. You obviously

missed the entire point of this post. I’m local to WA, and it was curiosity. Don’t pass judgment on me.

Now kindly piss off.


Good on you! Your reply to rocklobster is perfect and more needed here in that he, who obviously doesn’t know the man, is twisting the point and trying to be oh so p.c.

If more people would tell others to just piss off - there would be a lot less trivial b.s. and chat room crap posted here…

I salute you sir !


Emperor’s Clothes, this thread.

i like vegemite and chedder on toast!

Even though I have surfed with him,

I actually know him thru Skateboarding,and the other band members from Peril Jam.

Built some protos for a company that his bass player bought.

Like I said,Heck of a nice man.
