Eddie's ON!

How cool!



My wife got to the Bay at 6am and there was no parking left in the park. People had been there all night waiting for the big waves and morning light. Parked on the Hwy. and got a ticket along with many others who were willing to pay the fine for the spectacle. When her heat was over(just kidding) at around 9 or 10 she said there were probably 50 people in the water, two helicopters and half dozen jet skis and they were setting up for the contest. She said it was awesome and gave her chills to watch. I am praying for smaller waves come Christmas when I arrive.


I was reading some of Neal Miyake’s info on Hisurfadvisory.com. Does anyone have any video streams to share?

San Diego will get theirs this friday. Yahoo!


Bruce Irons has won the eddie!!! and rode a massive wave all the way to the shore scoring a perfect 100! Check out…


And he won it on a Brewer Gun. Check the logo on the Quik web page.

Actions speak louder than words.