Egg shape widepoint help

If I was to order say 6’10" x 20 1/2 x 2 1/2 egg, and I like a narrow stance in the middle of the board and turning off the rail ,“kind of a front foot surfer”. Where would I tell my shaper to put the wide point of the board? Should I go shorter than 6’10"? Im 39 180LBS 6’0 advanced but out of shape surfer"?

Just to clarify I don’t necisarily want an egg shape.Im really asking "where do I put the center point with these dimensions? I would figure either center or a little foreward but I don’t know what the difference woul be.

Wide point above center will give you a more drivey, down the line trimmer. The farther forward, the more the effect.

Wide point behind center will result in a more pivoty, short radius turner. Again, the more rearward, the more the effect.

Middle wide point will give neither or either depending on your point of view (it’s a compromise).

Remember these are generalities and you can modify the performance with rocker, foil, fins (number and location).


If I was to order say 6’10" x 20 1/2 x 2 1/2 egg, and I like a narrow stance in the middle of the board and turning off the rail ,“kind of a front foot surfer”. Where would I tell my shaper to put the wide point of the board?

I would tell my shaper WHAT I WOULD LIKE THE BOARD TO DO AND IN WHAT KIND OF WAVES and leave it to him to place the WP accordingly…

6-8" ahead of center