Egg vs Midlength

Help me out here guys… looking at shaping a new board. Whats the pros and cons of each? Im struggling to tell the difference to be honest. Was thinking of making it a small wave board for the summer when im not feeling the want to pull the log out. Small mush days 1-4 maybe doing a 4 plus 1 setup so I could run it as a quad or single fin or single fin with bites. Give me some input and insight please… thanks for all of the help

Might I suggest you begin by browsing the online selection at Mollusk Surf Shop, always a source of interest and inspiration when on the subject of eggs and midlengths…

(pages and pages, to my knowledge the largest selection of eggs and midlengths available for browsing on a single website, although I see the site is also now littered with foamy popouts to sift through in the process)

fair enough… I was thinking more of the surfing characteristics of each. Could be way wrong the midlenght would be more over a longboard chopped down to 7’0 have less speed than egg etc…

Fair enough. The site contains descriptions like

but maybe these types of descriptions are not your cup of tea??

Of course you have to use your own judgement, I just thought you might want to spend a little time researching the subject while waiting for responses here, but suit yourself. I found out long ago you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t force them to drink.

Right on. I thought small look at the pretty pictures didn’t think duh. Read descriptions. Lol. Should have not posted and maybe caught up on some sleep. Thanks! Cheers

No problem. I myself sometimes get frustrated waiting for a conversation or input that never happens, so while I usually post my queries here, I have learned to supplement with internet research. I love websites with pics and descriptions, only thing the Mollusk site lacks is the rocker shots, but a lot of sites out there have those too. I just take what I can get from anything I find.

If viewed on a bigger screen, you can really get a lot of information off a photo, and any verbal description is just icing on the cake. Think of the old days when there was no internet, amazing what’s out there for us now, if we dig a little.

If I was gonna build a midlength or egg, I would be stoked to find a site with good quality photos & descriptions of midlengths and eggs by some of the best shapers in so. cal. I would study the poop out of every one shown. That’s just me.

I have done plan shapes, fin shapes, rail shapes, bottom shapes (including bonzer channels), and even fin location layout, just by copying a photo when I couldn’t get any specifics from anyone.

Works for me, as they say.

As an example, below are a couple of 9’ Stretch board pictures I studied carefully before laying out the quad fins on my 9’ fun gun (last pic), the second photo has my guesstimate notes.

My advice is to pick a fin setup. I wouldn’t use a quad on a single fin design and I wouldn’t use a singlefin on a quad design. I want to make fewer compromises in my setups, not more compromises. I’d surf a quad more actively, so I’d want the rocker, template and weight to be geared for that. I’d surf a single more passively (letting the board do more of the work) so I’d want a very different rocker, template and weight combo for that.

If you want choices between a quad and a singlefin then build two boards, each being specific to purpose.

Bruce Fowler has quite a few midlengths in the Fountain of Youth thread also.