El Professor....Kauai's Kine Kreations



El Professor Outback…New Paipo…Color Coordinating

When I think of the luminaries who no longer post here, I’m grateful that my favorite, most thought provoking, insightful, funny, esoteric, entertaining and I-could-go-on-ad-nauseum luminary still does.


can’t even fake

those great codas






Truly a man of color! or maybe a man of many colors!

took me awhile to recognize that shirt,thats my greg hunt t-shirt!

aloha ghunt havn’t seen heard ovya’all since your visit…

three kids and a mortgage livin’ in bliss texas?


aloha from waipouli

glossed three single style fins

and polished that 5’10’’

man the colors are koo

an a couple t- paste men on deck

soon to be on oahu…

look for danny works