Electric Planer

My cheap planer has finally bit the dust so i’m on the market for a new electric planer and wanted to know if anyone had any views on the Bosch 4082 and Makita KP0810? If hav read that the Bosch is well regarded and can be modified but have also heard that the Makita is a great planer and I have seen many of the local shapers are using a Makita too. Any advice on preferred planer and if there are modification kits out there for either planer?


‘‘Back in the day’’, as the expression goes, before I bought a Skil 100 in 1964, I would rent a planer at a local tool rental store.    You might check around and see if tool rental places near you have either of the models   you’re interested in.       Rent one, shape a board, and see if you’re comfortable with it.     Or, track down a Skil 100, and buy it.    With care IT WILL LAST A LIFETIME.      I bought my Skil 100 at age 23.     I just turned 73.     I still own, and use, that original planer.   I’ve shaped thousands of boards with it.     About 10 years ago I obtained a 7.5 amp short base Skil 100, for shaping shortboards.   My original planer was $150 dollars new, which was quite expensive  in 1964, but works out to just 3 dollars per year for the 50 years I’ve owned it.  Quality tools are the ‘‘cheapest’’ in the long run, IMO.


Shaping Surfboards since 1958

Where are you located? The Continent you are on has alot to do with what you buy.  There are lots of good options in the US.  But Down Under and Europe are a differant world.  Do a search on this site.  There has been lots of talk about Pete C’s new Bosch modified planer.  Guys Down Under favor Makitas.  But on the West Coast of the US only a few guys use them. 120 vs 240 is the main issue.  Huge differance in price between a 120 volt and 240 volt planer.  A  “step up-step down” can be bought for a reasonable price off of Ebay.  A practical device that steps up from 120 volts to 240 or down and can be used with other tools.  120 Volt planers can be bought in the US and shipped off the continent. Just do the math.  I favor my Skil and if I ever buy anything Else it will be a new Accurate.  I like Pete’s Bosch and would reccomend it.  He’s done a great job on the mods and you can’t beat German Engineering.  Hitachi’s days are over.  Once guys who use Hitachi’s get a look at Petes Bosch; they’ll be done with Hitachi’s bad bearings and melted housings.  Anybody who has used a Hitachi for production has a box of misc. parts, melted housing etc. laying in the corner of their shop.  The guys who use 'em know I am speaking the truth here on this subject.  If you’ve got the cash and the time spend it bidding on a Skil over on Ebay.  But be careful.  Set your limits on what you are willing to pay.  Many of the listings for Skils on Ebay are over priced.  Lowel 

We will be doing a very simple conversion kit in the future for the Makita KP0810.  Much simplier than what was needed for the Bosch 1594 conversion, but be aware the Makita is the most expensive 3-1/4" planer in the US (besides Accurate), about $220.   It is entirely made in Japan, has a removable handle, about 115 degree rotation on the depth control, and a sliding shoe.  Same RPM and blades as the Bosch, but the motor has much more torque (also weighs more) and is a buzz saw when skinning blanks.    There is a nearly identical Bosch model in Europe (GHO 40-82) that maybe they have Makita make for them or visa versa, but like most EU available planers it only has one blade. The EU version of the Makita KP0810 does have two blades though.

Those who know me will confirm that when I talk about such projects and mention the word “future” it could be 5 weeks or 5 years; I always have so much going on it’s difficult to plan anything.  I do eventually complete what I say I’ll do though.  In the meantime, look for a Skil, or buy the Bosch. 

Dear Pete,
Do you think a one blade planner would be ok to surfboards? Both Makita´s and Bosch´s are one blade in Brazil…

No, save yourself the pain: they tear the foam horribly. That’s the reason why we could not adapt Pete’s Bosch kit to “our” Bosch here in Europe.

Any suggestions then?

depends also if you plan to replace blade for the drum. they’re mostly sold out everywhere. saw just some for makita.