enter the dragon

me and me mate surfed roys dragon board again in perfect rivemouth waves, before i drove it up the mountain to roys house

we loved it, very cool board and it went great

it was the end of its NZ journey

the bag was written on by all the people who rode it

i straped it on the roof and drove to roys and we talked shop for 4 hours while the kids ran amuck

i had never met roy in person before

roy has a really nice wife and great kids. my daughter didnt want to leave

we were disccusing a compsand version of one of roys shorter board designs

he gave me a big stack of paulownia as koha for delivering the board and chucked in for gas

very nice gesture, thanks roy

your a legend

Sounds like a great day. Perfect surf on a unique board and then hang out with Roy and his gang. Mike

Was he wearing his 'Free Roy" shirt…???..

Got pictures…???..

Sounds like fun

paul he was wearing some sort of robe and kungfu pants :slight_smile:

i didnt take any pics just one of the board on the roof and ive got some pics and video of us riding the board

my mate took it out in about 10 ft faces and rode it with style

its an unusual sensation

the board just knows what it wants to do

if your in the right trim its pretty damm quick or gives the sensation of speed and drive anyway

very hard to turn though but after a while i just let it do its own thing and it became more fun

miles said it handled steep drops well

the stares i got from the crew were colder then the snowmelt river water

and a few jokes from others

but the board says " get out my way" which is good

you could easily dominate any peak on it cuz only a complete fool would try and tussle with it

all in all it was a great experience

i never saw the tshirt but he did mention it with a laugh

he said something about the fine print was a bit harsh

roy is an out there cat but really good natured

this thread needs youtube links…

Sounds like ,“Magic”.!



paul he was wearing some sort of robe and kungfu pants :slight_smile:

i didnt take any pics just one of the board on the roof and ive got some pics and video of us riding the board

my mate took it out in about 10 ft faces and rode it with style

cant wait to see the video footage.Cant wait to see ppl riding it in hawaii as well.It is definately a great experience riding it.

yeah herb it was fun

im gunna pick him up one day and drag him down to raglan to stir some trouble


the video is only a couple of small waves i rode before i got the hang of it

one i tried to ride forward like roy does

what a disaster

but the stills of miles were pretty good

i was really disapointed cuz the wife was supoosed to get the footage but wandered off chatting to people

it was a bummmer cuz i got a couple of 200 meter rides

"i was really disapointed cuz the wife was supoosed to get the footage but wandered off chatting to people

it was a bummmer cuz i got a couple of 200 meter rides"

Typical bloody wifey…

“Hey darling did you get the shot of that carving 360 aerial!!”

“Ummm no but I got the one where you fell off”




Typical bloody wifey…

“Hey darling did you get the shot of that carving 360 aerial!!”

“Ummm no but I got the one where you fell off”



lol or its 2 shots of the lull that ya’ll are paddling out back in, and 30 assorted scenery shots of shells,plant life and birds.

My wife doesn’t even watch anymore…lol.

I use to think that having a gal that surfed/was involved, would have been cool…

…not anymore…not that if she wanted to,it would bother me…but…it’s my free time…and I like my Freedoms,…that is…with 50+ other people in the line-up…lol.


I ran into Randy Rarrick on the way home from a business conference at the Las Vegas airport and asked him about the whole Roy-Board project. He confirmed that its on and will be in Hawaii around October. He said it was very expensive for Roy to ship it by boat to Hawaii but Roy was commiitted to doing it.

I gave him my card and asked if he could let me know when it gets ridden so I could watch and video it. Plus Roy said I could give it a go before someone broke it in half here which is its mostly end if you know the “Boys”. I think Randy was taken a back that someone out of the blue would bring up the whole thing especially a “suit”. It did seem apparant that it wasn’t on the top of his mind although he though it was a neat project similar to the Yellow Single Fin Project awhile back.

Roy is out there at times like any anyone living at the edge of life, but speaking as a former student of Physical Oceanography in regards to his understanding of hydrodynamics and ocean waves physics he’s spot on. His design reminds me of the perfect shape we looked at the design of high speed underwater torpedos for the naval warfare lab in seattle back in the 70’s.

Per your comment about high speed shapes, Buzzy Trent told me that he and George Downing, in the early 1950’s, took measurements nose to tail on Wahoo, Ulua, and various small Tunas, to get proportions for board outlines to use in big waves. All those fish are ‘‘fast as torpedos’’, so to speak. Does anyone know the dimensions of the ‘‘Pipeline Olo Special’’, and the fin/fins that will be employed?

Free Roy !


His design reminds me of the perfect shape we looked at the design of high speed underwater torpedos for the naval warfare lab in seattle back in the 70’s.

Respectfully, I’m not a weapon’s expert, but I’m at the other end of your opinion. If I had to choose a Downing / Trent over a RS it would be an easy pick.

At the very least George Downing figured out thickness flow by the 1950’s.

As I remember some of the lofty statements like riding better than modern longboards.

the board is as fast a mal but has a sensation of drive

i like the ride in the correct trim

miles surfed it well

with all the hype about sups and the amount of begginers causing mayhem in the lineups on big boards

it refreshing to see a real waterman like roy and miles surfing this amazing board