entering the water near sealions

I would think a great white could probably make 25 knots in a burst. A dolphin can probably make 35 or better. It’s not the speed they cruise at. Certainly all species vary the speed they move according to the conditions. My reference was to S.C. Gary’s comment about sharks tailing along behind a school of dolphins. My thought is that normal cruising speed for a pod of dolphins is much faster than that of a great white. Now makos are another matter entirely. These are open water feeders that can swim at incredible speeds. They frequented Monterey bay many years ago according to the old time commercial fisherman I know but none have been seen in the bay in many years. The same is true of giant blue fin tuna. There used to be a population of them here too. Certainly anything is probable in the sea, but unfortunately these days less and less is happening because of the dwindling population of sharks and many other important species and the resurgance of others. There used to be a lot smaller pinaped population in central California. From the 1940s until the 1980s the pinaped population was controlled at sea by the 12 gauge. That’s a thing of past; the fines are huge for shooting sealions now. Good or bad, special interest groups and environmentalists took care of that and will continue to influence and artifically balance the marine species for the forseeable future. Now that the pinaped population is recovering great whites find more to eat in these parts and thus the risk of attack increases. One thing is for sure; the distant swimmer who was killed made a choice. It was a risky one the consequences of which will leave a permanent mark on her family and all of her friends. It is a saddening thing for any sensitive waterman. Killing great whites is against the law. One is simply not allowed to fish for them. Most of what goes on beneath the seas surface remains a mystery, but a good waterman is an informed one. When you stop to consider that there have only been 10 recorded deaths by shark attack on the California coast relative to the number of people in the water these days we’re not doing so bad. Gone Fishin’, Rich

http://www.flmnh.ufl.edu/fish/Sharks/ISAF/ISAF.htm The latest statistics on shark attacks. Even some tips on how to avoid being attacked. Pretty interesting. Seems like if you live in the US(particular Florida) and surf you’re at high risk. Have fun… regards, Håvard

http://www.flmnh.ufl.edu/fish/Sharks/ISAF/ISAF.htm The latest statistics on shark attacks. Even some tips on how to avoid being attacked. Pretty interesting. Seems like if you live in the US(particular Florida) and surf you’re at high risk. Have fun… regards, Håvard

For us longtime locals here in the Monterey Bay area surfing in the presence of sharks is a given. They’re around. Hopefully not close. With the increase in the seal population I believe there are more sharks than there was years ago. I use to consistently surf the breaks between Santa Cruz and Halfmoon Bay but after a close encounter with something big at Davenport Landing a few years ago I just don’t have the nerve for those breaks any more. Natural crowd control??

For us longtime locals here in the Monterey Bay area surfing in the presence of sharks is a given. They’re around. Hopefully not close. With the increase in the seal population I believe there are more sharks than there was years ago. I use to consistently surf the breaks between Santa Cruz and Halfmoon Bay but after a close encounter with something big at Davenport Landing a few years ago I just don’t have the nerve for those breaks any more. Natural crowd control??

there is a big boy cruising the pt. conception area-20’ plus according a a friend who recently encountered it.the Malloy bros. and a couple of friends recently paddled on hybrid surf/paddleboards from surf to el cap.(a 3 day adventure)fortunately they didn’t have any encounters with the big guy or any of his relatives.

there is a big boy cruising the pt. conception area-20’ plus according a a friend who recently encountered it.the Malloy bros. and a couple of friends recently paddled on hybrid surf/paddleboards from surf to el cap.(a 3 day adventure)fortunately they didn’t have any encounters with the big guy or any of his relatives.

I’ve read that it’s not wise to surf where there’s been a shark attack on any kind of mammal - person, otter, or seal. Here in Santa Cruz, it seems that sharks have it out for goofyfoots because several attacks have been at good lefts.

I’ve read that it’s not wise to surf where there’s been a shark attack on any kind of mammal - person, otter, or seal. Here in Santa Cruz, it seems that sharks have it out for goofyfoots because several attacks have been at good lefts.

55 million years seniority the organism in qustion is a respectable example of the adaptative arts we are following in the adaptation footsteps of an older aquatic species The concious choices of what to eat we make multiple times daily some times go awrye and we must drop ,spit and or in extreme cases projectile vomit the mis judgement from our system…the leading aquaticly adapted culture planet wide revered as well as eternalized the shark spirit a good life resulted in an oppertunity to dwell within the Shark the wisdom the understanding and overall aquity of this organism is undeniable …the dis service done to this noble creature can never be undone Mr Speilburg’s blockbuster film continues to make quantum revenue …asian gemand for shark fin and american demand for"clean cartilage" will surly endanger the sharks very existance the unfortunate loss of a sister swimmer of the seas is trajic and sobering… the shark is no monster…the shark does not troll for babys with treble hooks only to let them suffocate out of their element under a bush at the waterline…for sport …bad wrap the shark would get probation in california supeerior court with community service If iftcould jump species…I havnt killed any sharks. I dont feel guilty . I would put my feet up and say the same prayer I would when visiting any other church as the pope passed by ,heck pastor, priest,or any other in the higherarchy deserving of my respect…Kill em all?..god bless you lad,may you see the same mercy you dispense … the sharks in my neighbor hood have been named they are worthy or monitoring they Know who we are depend on IT Teddy said; how many times have you seen the shark,… how many times do you think the shark has seen you…do you think if he* wanted to eat you you he would have eaten you by now? Aumakua Look it up study and understand a little better. You cant beat em think about joinin’ em seal aumakua…the parameters of seal population are benevolently regulated by the shark…monster? affixing human traits to an evolved organism doing its job …god bless us all shark and seal alike----------------------ambrose on deck---------------------- *she

55 million years seniority the organism in qustion is a respectable example of the adaptative arts we are following in the adaptation footsteps of an older aquatic species The concious choices of what to eat we make multiple times daily some times go awrye and we must drop ,spit and or in extreme cases projectile vomit the mis judgement from our system…the leading aquaticly adapted culture planet wide revered as well as eternalized the shark spirit a good life resulted in an oppertunity to dwell within the Shark the wisdom the understanding and overall aquity of this organism is undeniable …the dis service done to this noble creature can never be undone Mr Speilburg’s blockbuster film continues to make quantum revenue …asian gemand for shark fin and american demand for"clean cartilage" will surly endanger the sharks very existance the unfortunate loss of a sister swimmer of the seas is trajic and sobering… the shark is no monster…the shark does not troll for babys with treble hooks only to let them suffocate out of their element under a bush at the waterline…for sport …bad wrap the shark would get probation in california supeerior court with community service If iftcould jump species…I havnt killed any sharks. I dont feel guilty . I would put my feet up and say the same prayer I would when visiting any other church as the pope passed by ,heck pastor, priest,or any other in the higherarchy deserving of my respect…Kill em all?..god bless you lad,may you see the same mercy you dispense … the sharks in my neighbor hood have been named they are worthy or monitoring they Know who we are depend on IT Teddy said; how many times have you seen the shark,… how many times do you think the shark has seen you…do you think if he* wanted to eat you you he would have eaten you by now? Aumakua Look it up study and understand a little better. You cant beat em think about joinin’ em seal aumakua…the parameters of seal population are benevolently regulated by the shark…monster? affixing human traits to an evolved organism doing its job …god bless us all shark and seal alike----------------------ambrose on deck---------------------- *she

News reports tell that she expressed to friends on a regular basis how much fun it was swimming with sea lions. I find that to be the equivalent to jogging with gazzelles in Africa. Great idea, especially if you are dressed like one. Didn’t see that coming? But, hey, think of the cool story her family will have to tell. Someone will say, “My dad died of prostate cancer a year ago. Very sad.” Then, someone else at the party will say, “My brother was in a car crash five years ago. He died three days later.” Of course, then someone will say, “My mom got eaten by a great white shark. Well, not eaten, but bitten badly. She bled to death while screaming for the lifeguards. She was dressed up like a seal and went swimming with them. Last thing out of her mouth (besides the screams) were, 'where did all the sea lions go?.” I think I’ll paint my thumb to look like a mouse and go play with a rattle snake. Later

News reports tell that she expressed to friends on a regular basis how much fun it was swimming with sea lions. I find that to be the equivalent to jogging with gazzelles in Africa. Great idea, especially if you are dressed like one. Didn’t see that coming? But, hey, think of the cool story her family will have to tell. Someone will say, “My dad died of prostate cancer a year ago. Very sad.” Then, someone else at the party will say, “My brother was in a car crash five years ago. He died three days later.” Of course, then someone will say, “My mom got eaten by a great white shark. Well, not eaten, but bitten badly. She bled to death while screaming for the lifeguards. She was dressed up like a seal and went swimming with them. Last thing out of her mouth (besides the screams) were, 'where did all the sea lions go?.” I think I’ll paint my thumb to look like a mouse and go play with a rattle snake. Later

You can’t even spell your dumbass name right

You can’t even spell your dumbass name right

That’s because I’m also a dumass.

That’s because I’m also a dumass.