Enviromental Group Name??

This is from New Plymouth, Taranaki, New Zealand. We are under attack from 2 power companies that want to extend the city’s port breakwater for a project. This will potentailly destroy a number of surf breaks in the city. A lobby group is being set up and we are after a catchy name to fight the good fight. Any good ones in existence - that don’t mind sharing, or any on the tip of your collective tongues?

hi Arch

how about


no sorry

im in NZ as well

it amazes me how such a small population can do so much damage to the environment

let me think about it

id be happy to help with logos and things

I think that tourism argument is valid

with taradise soon to become an international surfing destination!

bringing millions of dollars into the economy

you gotta talk the talk that fat cats understand

cuz they dont give a shit about anything but money

how about “surfhaven”

I was hoping for something along the lines of: Stop Harbours Invading Townbreaks - SHIT.

I know there’s something that will crop up.

We are quite lucky in that the players are actually talking with the surfers.

I had a debate/discussion with the CEO of the Port on TV last night and we’ve had a front page story in the local paper.

I also run the Taranaki DAILY SURF. A tabloid bi-monthly surfing newspaper.

Guaranteed to get a lot of coverage in that.

And while the local council is quite surfer-friendly - it’s taken years to get there, but we are considered fairly mainstream now, they are still commerce driven. And we have to hobble these Power company mongrels before they get a head of steam up.

Keep the little mouse on that wheel in the brain folks. Gotta be a good one out there.


Did a quick check and see that there is no Surfrider Foundation chapter in N.Z.

They are set up do fight just what you are looking at…there is a chapter in Australia and they would be worth contacting if only for helping you outline your approach.

Also seek out other established enviro. groups - Greenpeace, etc - that are established in N.Z.

Would steer clear of names - or initials - that could turn off potential allies like politicians, lawyers, environmentalists, etc.

No lawyer wants to be known as “The lawyer for S.H.I.T.”

Whatever you do, act quickly before they get an insurmountable foothold…

Good Luck!


Thanks Pete,

You’re right about a lawyer wanting (or not) to be associated with SHIT. Even though it’s their core business.

There is a new iniative here in NZ that has been set up with Surfing NZ, for the fighting for retention of surf breaks and other enviromental issues. Surfing Enviromental Advocacy. SEA. We could do a Taranaki chapter SEAT.

The need to form an Incorporated Society which can afford to go broke during/at the end of the fight is paramount. It removes the financial burden on any one person which could send them personally to the wall if costs are awarded against.

So I guess SEAT may have to be it.


5 0ver is better than 6 under.

lets strat out with,I aint never been to taranaki.except on this here keyboard.

I find it an occasional delight

innumerable quaint bed and breakfast spots in homes

downright sweet and an inspiration to the idle mind.

the photos.limited though they may be are refreshingly

remniscent of good time memories.

my first thoughts on your behalf had to do with =love taranaki

dont damn it to morbid Infamy.

initializing thet is not an option.

save stent road surf

though It may not actually be the threatened beach

could be cool SSRS.

although the "campagin to oppose this electric co.'s

planned expansion is raising its head over the future horizon

they are attempting to solve a production problem

real or imagined.

look forward to alternative solutions

not just Blocking the limited solution

selection that has been revealed.

get another creative mind to activate mucho mas solutiones!

suffer the little chidren deprived of a future as bright as our blessed lives


     STLCD       CD                      OAF             AB             AOBL


wreck this place quick we are movin to a desert planet



the pro developers might try it


only if they pitch the deal by purposely misspelling dessert.

water inside jetties stink


now change jetties to groins

and you got it/. !

water inside groins stink


yep that is the best I can do tonite.

Tradionally any Tory would instinktivly react

on cue {que?}

goot luck with yall in yer tribulations

hope the beach you save isnt subverted by the growing scourge SP?

aloha from waipouli…


It is a hard rain’s gonna fall.

bob dylan said thet.

SAD-stop all destruction…