Epoxy foam stain with acrylic

Hi all.

I’e poked around in the archives recently, and have had a hard time finding a direct answer to my question. I want to do a foam stain an eps board I am working on. I am using 2# eps and RR epoxy. I am curious if I could mix an off the shelf (from like Blick Art) arcrylic paint with the epoxy? My thought would be this would help seal the blank as well as ensure the paint wont bleed if I chose to do a freelap for my lam.

If this is within the realm of possibility, how much acrylic would I add to the epoxy? I am looking for an opaque stain.




I have never done it but, it sounds like a really bad idea imo. I envision your epoxy not curing well at all.

There are better ways to achieve color.

Why not just paint the sealed blank with acrylic?

Thanks Chris. I’ve never done color, so this is all speculation. 

My thought was if I just painted the blank, that when I did my lam, assuming I do a free lap, that the epoxy would reconstitute the acrylic causing it to bleed. I am very open to an oreder of operations, if anyone was willing to offer one up. See attached for what I have in mind, tentatively.



this topic has been gone over lot’s so there is probably a lot off good info if you search but, from memory:

you need to seal the blank and get a nice smooth surface before you paint. Either use lightweight spackle or epoxy/microballoon bog.

Mix your acrylic paint with pure acrylic (futures floor polish) and distilled water. 1:1:1 ratio iirc??? I think HerbSpitzer and or Atomized posted this up???

Apply paint, let dry, glass as normal.

Thanks Chris!

I’ve done acryllic on EPS twice with no issues. Dilute as mentioned above. I just used water but atomizied probably knows better than me. Don’t pour tons of it on there. Stain the foam and that’s it. A thick layer would probably cause issues and bleeding. Mine didn’t bleed at all, and I did fat horizontal stripes so if it did bleed you’d notice on the edges of them. No bonding issues, both boards are well used and completely fine. I’d imagine drying is critical. I let mine dry for a day or two cause I wasn’t rushing things.

Thanks doc!

I’ve mixed a couple dabs of acrylic paint squeezed from a tube into my epoxy in order to make opaques. Never had a problem hardening.

I’ve done an epoxy foam stain, too, but I used resin tints.

Acrylic paint should be fine for curing as long as you use a small amount.

Thanks Ghostshaper.

I think I am going to test all of these ideas on some extra foam I have laying around. I will post my results!


I would lean toward painting the blank rather than tinting the epoxy…  My main reason here is that I have talked myself into tinting / opaquing epoxy before and every time it doesn’t end up as imagined.  I surf those boards, of course, but it always makes me remind myself that I should only do clear lams/fill coats…  Just sayin’.

The voice of reason here:

Do not add paint to your epoxy, don’t do a test etc. etc…paint is not supposed to go into epoxy, or resin, or beer, or be used as a meat seasoning…Paint is paint…Your just going to $%^ it up.

Add pigment or tint to epoxy and resins…that the way you do it…now if you want to paint a board…the paint it and put clear epoxy or resin over it.

As for EPS , epoxy and paint…well.   The darker the paint the crappier it will look.  Yellows, light blues etc will be fine. Dark colors will have blush and faded rails. Also if you seal, paint then glass the board…there could be issues.  A lot of time if the board takes on water, then there is a bonding issue between the paint and spackle stuff…aka delamination.  All will be good until you take on a bit o water.

if you really want your board to look like your picture, then do the color work after the board is all finished.  get a spray can of paint and paint it, then put a automotive clear coat over it.    If it good enough for a MBZ, or BMW it’s good enough for a surfamabord.

case in point here…


The orange painted area started the delam…it got wet, you can see the bonding issues.

I’ve done color in epoxy (and over EPS) with pigments and tints.  I seal the board with a single layer lamination, first; then hit it with a separate color lam so as to obscure the EPS beads without having to go opaque.    

Fiberglass Hawaii has some pretty good Info on doing foam stains and glassing with Epoxy resin.

Check out their web page. Lots of good info on all aspects of Board building.

yes don’t over paint.


The orange board was sealed…painted, then opaqued orange in the epoxy.

The color work came out perfect and beautiful…looked like a poly board…but then

I ran a sholder hopper over and the fin box got a leak…and then…the cancer took over

Resinhead i had same problem on a board i paint over spackle. Only go with tint in resin or paint over at end. No more spackle too, only resin.