Yeah, it’s an automotive clear.
It’s a 2 part polyurethane, the stuff that you add a hardener to. (hence called 2 pack, 2 part, 2pac, whatever)
The one I use is a “high solids” one, and is mixed 2:1 ratio of paint to hardener.
In a thread a few months ago, I mentioned 2pak, and someone (i’ve forgotten who) from california said that theres some safety rules that prevent you from spraying it unless you have the proper supplied-air respirator setup?
He might have only meant for production, OSHA requirements for a business… not sure what the rules are for home use.
The staff in an automotive paint store will know.
That stuff is pretty toxic, heavily laden with isocyanates, which are bad!
So be careful, wear a mask with the appropriate vapour cartridge… or wear your scuba gear when you do it!
That just reminded me, I was researching home-made “hooka dive systems”, which are a scuba diving setup that has an air hose running from an air pump that stays on the deck of your boat.
You can dive around the boat, and not have to come up due to empty tanks. But watch your nitrogen levels.
Anyway, I thought that would be a cheap way of making a supplied air respirator for spray painting!
I saw plans on the net for one that basically uses a elctric car tyre pump, with a long hose running out to your standard regulator.
Really usefull for cleaning the underside of your boat while it’s still in the water.
Theres a solution if your keen
OSHA health and safety staff would have fit!