epoxy resin help

Anyone know bout composite polymer design 4246 epoxy? I have 5 gallons of part A and the proper amount of part B, but I forgot the mix ratio. The containers say to read the MDMS sheet. I think I know the ratio, but I hate to do it wrong. I guess I could do a test with a tiny mix.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Ghettorat, you out there?

You’ve got an aweful lot of resin there.  Just do a couple of test batches and mark the ratios on the test cups.  Use syringes to get a precise measurement.  I’d do a 1:1,  2:1 and a 3:1 and just see what happens.  The right mix should be obvious.

Hi s.c. -

You say you have the proper amount of hardener... that should give you a good idea of the proportions required.  I.E.  5 gals of resin and 2 1/2 gals of hardener = 2:1 ratio.

Thanks guys. It’s either 10:4 or 10:6. I know it’s not 2:1. The manufacturer has all kinds of resins and the ratios are all over the place. The one I have is not listed.

I can do 2 tests and see, but the containers are big, so pouring out a few cc’s will be a pain. Maybe I can just get 3 clean gallon jugs and pour out the hardener. I’ll know if it’s more than a half gallon or less, but what if I got a generous portion?

Hey Sharky…

I Googled their site… The parent companies  name is Endurance Technologies…

It’s  not the most intuitive wb site.       You might want to contact them by phone using their toll free numder… 1 800 755-8568

I couldn’t find the mumber 4246  epoxy you mention during my search,but judging by the other systems they sell the mix ratio’s are all over the place with 3 to 1 being quite common…     Their infusion resin is more like   4 to 1…I’d confirm the mix with the manufacturer…

The MSDS      Material Safety Data Sheet ,    won’t tell you anything about mixing usually… just the chemical hazards …

My favorite resin system (other than R. R. )    Mixes out at 100 : 38  …   That’s a fair bit off  of   2 :1…   It’s actually closer to 3:1 but not exactly…

Always mix by weight ,  and avoid any  problems…    Mix  in grams not ounces…    It’s  WAY simpler math when you’re in a hurry…  .All metric measurment systems are based on multiples of 10…

For example:   If you wanted to  add the right amount of hardener to any given amount of resin,  you simply multiply the weight of the epoxy resin by the percentage of hardener…    In my case ,     if I had a container  with  say  100g… of resin you’d add   38g.   of hardener…38% of 100g.

The math works for every number greater than the example above  as well as quantities  below…

If you’re scales are accurate you can mix batches as low as:      5g  :  1.9g.     or    10g :  3.8g   without issue…

Resin Research epoxy is 100: 45. by weight…    Multiply the weight of the resin by 45% and you’ve got the exact amout of hardener…

I buy those big dollar store calculators that have  nearly  1/2"  tall numbers, they’re easy to see at a glance…  I buy them in bulk…  lol

I really  have my doubts that it’s     10 : 6 ,  that’s pretty “hardener heavy”…10:4 sounds cool…     Similar to my 100 :38…

Thanks Kiterider, I looked at the manufacturer’s site a couple of times and got a bit frustrated. I always do it late here in Hawaii, so I can’t call, then forget the next day.

I’m going to need to get a scale cause I’m doing the mixes by volume. The guy I got the resin from said to go by weight and use grams. He went off on a working vacation to Aus and Bali, but I’ll be able to get a hold of him when he comes home. I just don’t want to buy a small batch of resin locally with all this other stuff sitting here. Especially since he gave me such a great deal too. I got this for a fraction of what I pay by the gallon.

My brother has a nice little digital scale we used to mix some of that newfangled resin-x someone here was selling. I can always borrow that when the time comes.