Epoxy shelf life

Okay, I’ve done my archive search, can’t find what I want…

So my RR epoxy is over a year old and is kind of goopy and has granular structures. It appears to be setting up okay, but is there some way to re-homogenize it without destroying my blender?

try giving it a bath in some warm water.

is this the actual epoxy resin you’re talking about?..or additive f?


No, it’s the main epoxy component, not the hardener, not additive F. I’ve actually got it soaking in hot water at the moment, maybe that’ll work.

Here’s what not to do:

Last night at around 2230, I gave the stuff a bath, but only sufficiently long enough to thin the epoxy, not send the sand sized granules back into solution (I didn't know there were tiny particles crystalizing out, I thought I just had the big goopy ones. So I figured I'd give it a go, goop and all. I weighed everything out, mixed it up and poured it out onto the cloth...at which point it became evident that aside from the goop, the aforementioned grains were also there in large quantities.

So I've got this big pile of sandy epoxy half way spread out on the deck, it's 11pm, and I'm thinking to myself, "why didn't I just go to sleep?" Well, screw it, I just started spreading as usual and got a bit lucky. the grains tended to stay with the spreader, and ended up out on the laps. I couldn't get them off completely with out fraying the cloth, so I just hand lapped the cloth over the rail and got as much out as I could. This morning I went out and surveyed the situation. The epoxy had set normally, and the grains were easily sanded off.

Moral of the story? Ask your friend if his garage freezes regularly if he gives you some left over epoxy. Maybe that was the cause, I don’t know. Still can’t bring myself to throw it away though. I’ll try the bath and straining.

I think you got some hardner in your resin, the same happened to me in the bottom of one of my measuring cups which got contaminated from my mixing stick.

Well, except that the granules were uniform in distribution (at least low in the resin column). Also hard to see how I could have introduced hardener into the main container of resin. I can be sloppy, but not that sloppy.

And…drum roll…after I spent hours trying to strain the granules out I was left with a couple of cups of granules. I threw them in the microwave for thirty seconds and viola! Back to the liquid state. All I had to do in the first place was to throw the resin in the microwave or a hot bath. I poured it all back into the original container and finished glassing the board.
