Anyone ride them?? I’ve seen posts re longboards, but not too much on the shorties. What do you find to be the advantages/disadvantages? What is the difference in float, i.e. if you normally ride a 6’8 x 19.5 x 2.75, what would you ride in epoxy? thanks
Advantages: Lighter, stronger, & more floatation. Disadvantages: Can feel corky, has a different flex pattern (not necessarily a disadvantage, especially in a shortboard, but it is different than a poly) & can be difficult to find someone to do ding repair on (if your not going to do it yourself). What should you ride? That is way too subjective for my simple mind, but I weigh 200lbs. and made a 6’5" eps egg 2 1/2" thick and it floats me very well. In fact, it has so much float that I now wish I would have made the rails thinner (sometimes it is difficult to bury a rail on bottom turn). I have heard that you can expect about a 20 to 25% increase in floatation over poly with the same dimensions. I don’t know how someone would quantify that, but I do know that my 6’5" @ 2 1/2" thick egg floats me better than my 6’10" egg @ 2 3/4" thick. Both have a similar planeshape and rail shape. Try one, has long as you don’t go too crazy with the bouancey factor, I think you will like it.
Actually, the only thing that will make an epoxy foat better is lighter weight. An epoxy and poly board of equal weight will each displace equal amounts of water and will provide same float. Two pounds of oak will displace same amount as 2lbs. of foam. It’s all about weight and displacement.