Epoxy tint transparent? Source?

Anyone know a quality brand or source for epoxy compatible tints? thx

shaper’s supply
fiberglass hawaii
and probably foam e-z, fiberglass supply, greenlight
did I miss any?

Has anyone tried these? The front page links to another page that say 7 tints and 2 pigments which agrees with the photographic evidence.

Huck, I’m looking for epoxy specific tint. I checked those sites and they all seem to be for PE laminating resin.

Greg, some light reading, talking about polyester tints working with epoxies:
So far for me, UCD type pigments and tints (from work and from fiberglass supply shops) have worked in poly and epoxy and even PU glue.
At the Smooth-On site the only warning is not to use theirs with silicone.
I’ll ask the chemists at work about this too.

many thanks, jrandy

all the best

yes, I read your initial post. They sell tints compatible with epoxy resin. If in doubt talk to retailer, but probly all the retailers who sell epoxy resin would sell tints compatible with epoxy resin.


I’ve not used the pigments, but I have and do use System 3 SB-112, and clear coat, and general purpose epoxies, and I remained blissfully unaware of ‘fisheyes’ until I started using other more economical epoxies.

Mafia tint from greenlight works fine with epoxy. Tons of colors. GL also has their own tint.

The short answer from a chemist at work is that all is good, the small amount of polyester resin from the UCD pigment or tint will bond within the 3-dimensional epoxy matrix. The only warning is that too much polyester in the epoxy will weaken or ‘plasticize’ it.

Did the chemists at work suggest better alternative pigments and tints for use with epoxy?

No alternatives were suggested. We discussed what we already use and know that it is already successful.

In the epoxy resin it is possible to add any type of pigment powder of mineral origin. You can find these pigments in many laboratories where these powders are milled. These pigments are completely inert towards the resin. The important thing is to mix well and filter out any lumps.

from Shapers Supply, they work great with RR epoxy, I think all the supply houses sell equivalent products.

Just ordered some from GreenLight. Brian is a good guy.

All the best and thanks for the info everyone.

These guys are Australian based, but they’ve really got their sh*t sorted and would probably ship to the US. They claim that they have tints and pigments “for all resins…”

FWIW, We have pigments in the building right now from 5 different companies.
We have used all with 4-5 different epoxy brands with no adverse reactions or issues.

One thing to note, it takes FAR LESS pigment in epoxy than it does poly to achieve a color. So start with very small amounts.

Thx Acqua Glassing.

This tint was done with a drop or two of Green pigment from Rev -Chem in Resin Research. Probably not any differant than what everybody sells. I would trust Foam EZ, Fiberglass Hawaii, Greenlight etc to sell you something that they personally know will work

Here’s the pic.