EPS 8'0" fun gun build home made fins etc


Its been a while since i’ve checked into Swaylocks…I’m still building EPS boards and continually trying to prefect them. This is one of my best riders I’ve done. Maybe its the HD stringer? maybe its the more relaxed tail rocker and increases fin cant…lot going on. Anyhow here she is. 8’0’ x 22’ x 3"… kids say its a beast…and then I chase them down and out turn them.

Wow! That is beautiful! Nice job.

Very nice build!
What did you make the fins with.

resin / fiberglass…nothing fancy.

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Buddy, that’s a beautiful board! Stunning piece of work! I started doing EPS way back but couldn’t get the polish you have what’s different??

Who says folks aren’t coming back to SWAYS! LOL

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Beautiful board Phil. Always dig your logo too! So classy.

I’ve been spraying the gloss coat on with Max2K or UPOL automotive clear coat. Sand board down to 320 and spray it. A poly gloss will crack over time, and as mentioned epoxy wont buff out…its too soft. They have many different finishes and colors. Theres a cool gloss black that lays down real nice.

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golf was getting too hard so i took up shaping.

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Again beautiful job young man!! Congratulations and May the Lord bless and keep you!

Is Resinhead1 Jay or someone else?
Jay always makes really nice boards.

Beautiful as always Resin head. :+1:

Stunning board, absolutely beautiful.

Doh! Now I feel stupid.

Jay shapes waves, not greens,
Phil’s name slips, laughter ensues,
Surfboards, not golf dreams.

Spectacular!!! Homemade fins? who what where how? Nice!!!

Question - would you mind sharing the fin placement dimensions? I am getting ready to shape something similar (7.9) with a tri/quad set up and have a few recipes but any additional info would be a blessing - thanks Maxim

Don’t worry about using spray paint. I bought some funky used eps windsurfers in 1985 and I painted them up to make them look better. That paint is still there in perfect condition after boards stored outdoors for almost 40 years. (about to salvage the foam for make some new boards).

Beautiful board! I’ve always thought about spraying a top coat on my epoxy boards, but never done it. I’m assuming you are using a 2 part clear coat sprayed with an HVLP spray gun, not the rattle can stuff that UPOL makes, is that correct?

Do you sand and buff after spraying the clear coat?

Hi Bernie…yeah its me Resinhead! Hope things are going well for you brother!

being in SD i got this my entire life…and we are both lefties. Similarities stop there.

Nope rattle can stuff. Works perfect if you know how to lay it down. Wet and overlapping, gels out just before kicking. if you come back over you get orange peal or over spray…you get one shot at it, or its sand a bit and reshoot. just like a cup gun.