EPS boards and heat.

Checked the forums, but could not find the info I was looking for. How much Heat can an EPS board take? I was on the way to the beach, had to stop and do an errand, left my board in the car on a warm day( 15-20 minutes) came back and found that the heat started to melt the layer of surf wax on my board. I won’t do that again! Could that amount of heat do any damage? Is there a way to tell if a board has been damaged by heat? Curious. Thanks!

if that was the problem, then the real question is how much heat can wax take…not much. i don’t recall, exactly…but i think epoxy is compromised at about 155 degrees. confirm that, though…because i don’t remember where i read that…the number just stands out in my mind. anyway…don’t leave board in cars on sunny days. be good to your board, and your board will be good to you.

I’ve read somewhere that EPS does bad things at 130? F. Starts to expand or gas out or something really bad.

Not sure of the figures, but I know the ole Home Depot EPS foam expands pretty easy so most use a sailboard vent to let it breath when not in use. From what people say, it seems as if it expands pretty easy in the heat.

If its using any of the lite weight foam you want to use a vent plug. If its heavier foam you can get away with more heat exposure.

eps foam will begin to soften/fail at 170F

epoxy resin…depends on cureing temps/post-processing

direct heat and sun is bad for any board (plastics in general)

and leaving a board in a hot car is not wise…simply cracking open your windows and keeping direct sunlight off the board makes all the diff. Something as simple as draping a large beach towel(s) over the board helps heaps. I keep collapsible windshield shades and use them everyday just to keep my car from overheating while parked - this alone can be a life saver, not for the board but for me!

If there’s no visible damage to the laminate (delam for example) then no worries.

Thanks for the input people. I can always count on swawlocks.

Craftee- A couple of months ago, You recommended picking up a modern style fish ex:Piranha, for the sloppy beach break waves I see around here. After research, I got a 6’4&20.5&2.5 in EPS. It makes sharp, really snappy turns & absolutely flies! It kind of surfs like my thruster does in good waves-Best purchase I’ve made in a long time. good call!!

Yeah I remember that thread…youre a big guy right?

Glad to help. The truth is many guys are under-boarded (improperly boarded) cuz thats what pros ride…but pros ride really good waves…and were not so lucky.

I dont say much to the local crew cuz that just means more waves for me…y’know how it is.