EPS first try.

Friends of mine make EPS Blanks.

I had to try.

For some reasons they needed a board to be shaped really fast for a kind of show.

So I’ve taken the opportunity and they cut a pice of foam for me.

The foam is a 30kg/m3.

Once you get the blank, it’s been cut thank’s to a hot wire.

The fact is the outline and rockers are clean.

But you need to create the deck and bottom contour.

The foam is maybe a bit harder to work than classic PU blanks.

The strange thing while shaping is the lack of stringer.

It makes the blank feel really bouncy.

Anyway, you can manage to do something clean, at last.

The board is a 6’2" x 19"1/4 x 2"1/2.

I’ve shaped it as if it was a classic PU board.

I thought it was the best way to feel the inner differences betwin the two types of boards. That way, I’ll try to make more clever changes on the next ones.

That will be a tri fin (box and side bits) board, low rockered… Supposed to be fun.

I really want to know how an epoxy stringerless behave.

There is a strange something on the deck close to the nose I’ve tryed and changed after seeing the picture above.

Looks good lob!!

What did you cut your outline with? Because that is about the most perfect offcuts I have ever seen? It looks like it was hotwired or cut with a router??? Or you are just awesome with a jig saw?

Tell me your secret!

And good work, nice board!


That blank comes from Atua Cores, a french Bordeaux based company which specializes in CNC cutting of surfboard blanks. You design your outline and rocker using a computerized program known as “Surf designer” (which, incidentally, was created by PierreB who posts here, too), send them the .gif file, and they cut the blank to your exact design. All you have to do is shape the bottom contours (V, concaves…) and rails. Here is what it looks like:

Looks good lob!!

What did you cut your outline with? Because that is about the most perfect offcuts I have ever seen? It looks like it was hotwired or cut with a router??? Or you are just awesome with a jig saw?

Tell me your secret!

And good work, nice board!


Balsa gave you some clues.

They hotwire the stuff.

They are now building a bigger machine so they can cut up to 12 or 13 feet long eps blocks.

You can visit them on the www.atuacores.com

Ahhh, it all makes sense now! That is a good way to do it…

Have you found that designing your blank in your head, rather than by each stroke of the sanding block, is a challenge?

I have been doing all my boards from a billet of 2# EPS. I hotwire my blank to 99% of the finished thickness profile of the board, and I also cut all my rail bands with assorted hotwire tools. It took me a few boards to get into the right mindset to actually visualize the thickness profile of the board, and what I wanted the rails to looks like, before even hotwiring the blank. But each board I do, I get better at it…it is nice too, because when you design your own “blank” it really cuts down on shaping time. I literally hotwire my blank, cut the outline, and then put in the concaves and turn the rails. I never touch the deck or bottom of the board to adjust thickness or rocker with the sanding block or planer, because I designed it to its finished thickness before hotwiring!

Its just a different way of looking at it, i guess?

Did you find that it took awhile to design your blanks the way you wanted them??

Anyway, good work!


They have a CNC hotwire cutter and a smart online program, the direct link to the online surfboard designer program is http://www.atuacores.com/english/surmesure.php (in english) if you want to check.

So the basic principle is you design the desired blank online, then choose the density (for EPS/epoxy construction -30 kg/m3 , about 2 lb/cu ft - or for sandwich construction -10 kg/m3, about 0.75 lb/cu ft), order it and then get exactly what you designed 2 days after to your door. The program also gives you automatically a quote for your blank, which depends on its size, thickness etc…

Isn’t that totally custom and easy?

sbvfive / Scott,

As I can read, you’re not quite a biginer at EPS shaping.

That one was my first try ever with such a “strange” foam.

The fact is I’ve seen the limits of “traditional” shaping on that one.

I really believe I’ll try and make myself specific tools such as the one I’ve seen on shaperoom.

It looks a lot more acurate than the only surform rasp.

That’s the bevel tool I’ve seen.

great tool ! It looks like you can use it to cut in the rail bands,is this right? If you have any specs on it to share it would be helpful . Thanks

Nice job, that board look really good, looks like it’s gonna be a blast to ride!

It’s a home-made tool by one of Shaperoom.net members, Lemat. It’s made out of 10 mm plywood and a 0.4 mm stainless steel piano string. Here is a sketch showing the power set-up:

I’ve paid a visit to the glasser today.

It looks like epoxy does not like tints.

It takes a really long time tu harden.

We’ve been on al light opaque blue.

Hopefully the board will be finished by the end of next week.

I think your board looks great! I can’t wait to see the finished results…

I’ve always totally dug that…

CNC hotwiring EPS.

4 cuts. 5 minutes.

Finished deck rocker, hull rocker, and planshape.

20 minutes to finish the board from there.

And people call it tough to work with.


sbvfive / Scott,

As I can read, you’re not quite a biginer at EPS shaping.

That one was my first try ever with such a “strange” foam.

The fact is I’ve seen the limits of “traditional” shaping on that one.

I really believe I’ll try and make myself specific tools such as the one I’ve seen on shaperoom.

It looks a lot more acurate than the only surform rasp.

That’s the bevel tool I’ve seen.

Lob, that tool looks awesome. I have one that I used for awhile that was a similar concept, I posted pics on here once. I will try to get some pics again. The guide can be changed out, to accommadate cutting railbands measuring from the top or the bottom…it worked pretty well…

although, my last few boards, i have cut my railbands using masking tape as a guide. I literally tape off my railbands, and then use one of my hotwires to cut it. As long as you keep the temp of the wire down, and keep moving, you wont burn through the tape. This gives me even more accuracy than my railband tools, and more freedom. I can cut curves and stuff if I want. I also have a small detail hotwire, and I am getting more comfortable with that. I actually cut the swallow tail on my last fish with it, freehand!

Good luck and keep on it! Your board looks awesome, and each one will get better and better as you start to understand the EPS more…it isn’t like poly, its a different beast, but you will get used to it and it will become second nature. I have actually just crossed over to the point where I have now done more EPS boards than Clarks, and I feel more comfortable with EPS now!

Edited to add Pic…

Blakestah, you are so right! I can’t understand when people say it is hard to work with when I shape a standard shortboard, from hotwiring the blank to finsh sanding, in under an hour! And I am not a very talented shaper!! Sammy Barker at RR literally shaped himself a shortboard one time while I was there picking up resin, while I talked to him! It took him about 12 minutes, hahaha.

It just seems to me, that alot of people are oppossed to EPS because it is a “differnt beast” if you will. In the end, you are still removing foam with some tools to get a surfboard, right?? I think the problem lies when people treat it like it is poly…you don’t treat you friends like you treat your girl, right? I think that once people recognize the differences and treat them appropriately, EPS shaping suddenly won’t seem that hard.

A perfect example is Matt from Lost over at surfermag. I basically harass him over there because I can’t believe the audacity of the uninformed statements he made about Greg, but at the same time i know that with his resources, he could easily work up to some type of reasonable production with EPS. I know nothing about machine shaping with EPS, but I have seen you and others answer his questions numerous times!! if people spent less time trying to make EPS into a replacement for Poly, and more time figureing out the subtleties of EPS by itself, we could see alot of progress in a very short time!!

And I step off my soap box…

great board Lob , will YOU get a chance to surf it ? (I HOPE so )

I’ll be able to surf that one.

In fact, I’ll keep it to test how eps/epoxy behave.

Then, I’ll lend it to friends so they can make up their minds.

sbvfive / Scott,

As I can read, you’re not quite a biginer at EPS shaping.

That one was my first try ever with such a “strange” foam.

The fact is I’ve seen the limits of “traditional” shaping on that one.

I really believe I’ll try and make myself specific tools such as the one I’ve seen on shaperoom.

It looks a lot more acurate than the only surform rasp.

That’s the bevel tool I’ve seen.

great tool ! It looks like you can use it to cut in the rail bands,is this right? If you have any specs on it to share it would be helpful . Thanks

Nice job, that board look really good, looks like it’s gonna be a blast to ride!

It’s a home-made tool by one of Shaperoom.net members, Lemat. It’s made out of 10 mm plywood and a 0.4 mm stainless steel piano string. Here is a sketch showing the power set-up: