does anyone know where i can get eps foam. i want to shape a paddle board but im having a hard time finding eps foam. looking for a 16’ chunk of foam. thanks.
does anyone know where i can get eps foam. i want to shape a paddle board > but im having a hard time finding eps foam. looking for a 16’ chunk of > foam. thanks. I was hoping somebody else would jump in with better sources than mine. I’d like to know of some better bulk EPS suppliers too. Here’s what I do know. I buy custom formed EPS blanks locally from Fry Surfboards at I found a local bulk EPS supplier, Houston Foam Plastics at Anthony has a page of EPS blank suppliers at Anthony’s how-to page also has links to good instructions on hotwire materials and cutting. I ran a Yahoo search for “EPS foam” and got a few pages of suppliers, although most of them are into custom moulding EPS. Pick and choose Good luck! Keep us posted.
I believe what you will need for the paddleboard project is a foam billet. EPS is extruded into all types of sizes, shapes and lengths. I chased down EPS suppliers a long time ago trying to find and alternative to shipping Clark blanks across country. Get the density/weight specs on the type of EPS that works best for boards from Noodle. I think the blanks Fry makes are cut from billets with a hot wire that traces a rocker template, then split and a stringer is glued in. You’ll need a much bigger chunk of foam of course. These billets are use for all kinds of industrial insulation, commercial buildings, floating docks and packaging. Don’t know where you are located Jim but here is an E.Coast link to an EPS Foam specialty Co. in Maryland. TS>>> I was hoping somebody else would jump in with better sources than mine. > I’d like to know of some better bulk EPS suppliers too.>>> Here’s what I do know. I buy custom formed EPS blanks locally from Fry > Surfboards at>>> I found a local bulk EPS supplier, Houston Foam Plastics at >>>> Anthony has a page of EPS blank suppliers at > > Anthony’s how-to page also has links to good instructions on hotwire > materials and cutting.>>> I ran a Yahoo search for “EPS foam” and got a few pages of > suppliers, although most of them are into custom moulding EPS. Pick and > choose>>> Good luck! Keep us posted.
JIM…have you tried speaking to the Chouinards ? (yeah, yvon, who owns Patagonia!). He’s got another company, “POINT BLANKS” @ www.point Yvon (spelling???) or his folks might be able to accommodate you. I don’t know about prices or policies, but this might be a good lead for you. check it out, and let us know how you made out! T.