EPS sealing/epoxy quesiton..

Say you werent to seal the blank… and just striaght glass it…Iknow you use more resin or wahtever, but wouldnt you be able to see the huge holes all over the board from where the little balls got torn out? I dont get how people are glassing without spackling and not seeing these…

Lots of styro/epoxy boards are colored pigment on the hot and finish coats, so the flaws are hidden by paint…the epoxy hidden from sunlight, and the flaws impossible to see.

Thank you… that clears alot up

But what if you were to color the foam or something? like painted rails ?

sand your EPS down to 120 or 150 and you don’t see any holes. generally very smooth foam surface.

I got the home depot #1 stuff though =/

If you want to do color work on the foam, either paint or resin tint, it is best to seal the blank. You can certainly do it with out but you’ll get better results with.

Go to Lowes and get DAP Fast-n-Final light weight spackle. Scoop out a glob into a pint size bucket and mix with water until about wipping cream thickness. Then spread thinly all over with a squeegee. Let sit 30 min or so and hit with a sanding screen.

Its much simpler than it sounds. If it doesn’t come out well. sand it smooth and do it again. Its a no risk step.