I don´t remember who showed his long stringer cutting bow over here. He laid the string on the blank, the bow hanging underneath and let gravity pull it through.
Whoever you are: Thank you for the idea !
I´ve just set up my lowtec stringer cutting mechanism and did a first testrun. Works like a charm.
The double stringer cutting (1inch apart) took little more than 2 Minutes. The cuts are very clean and super straight.
Nicely done! Greg Loehr showed a similar device but not sure which one you saw. ChrisP and I did one by hand that was a bit more warbly. Using a circular saw gets the foam too hot and it starts doing the ‘cotton candy’ thing if you don’t have a way to slow the saw down. Your double cut looks perfect!
PPS: JM- I was told never to use a Skilsaw on EPS by Stingray. I did not heed the warning and had a bind and kickback happen on two occasions. No damage to me but the blanks suffered. Now I use a deep hotwire with two long guide boards. If I had the space I would like to try a long single wire.
I have used my hotwire bow with two guides for stringer cutting before.
Ach ha!
I too used to do it that way, and I’d buy my foam @ half the width of the board, so I was cutting out two. Other than an 11’ gun, I stuck with one stringer, and I also used marks I put in for concave depth.
For what it’s worth, I feel like I learned here that the stringer does not really add to strength, some things depending - I’ve got a recent 8’er, stringerless xps w/@ 16oz glass, top and bottom, + 4oz 45/45 degree, deck belly and tail patch, and bottom tail patch. I’ve had it out in plenty of semi-heavy conditions and no buckles or worse…
Anyway - Making boards is fun, and riding 'em can be funner…
I did choose the double stringer not mainly or not solely for overall strength.
I like the look and never tried it before.
It was fun using the new stringer cutting setup. 2 stringers = double fun
It´s not more labour than reinforcing the finbox on my single stringer boards or my stringerless boards (I do that on all of my boards)
Weight won´t do no harm on this board
I did mostly stringerless boards before. The get strong glassing/laps and the longer ones got deckchannels and were just fine (not a single one broke and stiffness felt good to me)
So the main reason is:
I just wanted to make a double stringer. And that´s always a very valid point for me. I don´t “need” new boards, I don´t surf any better on them, I just want to built them. Simple as that.
I sometimes order my blanks with two Basswood stringers 1 1/8” apart. The 1/8” gives me a little wiggle room for milled fiber fill or setting the box in cloth. I also am able to not come in contact with the stringerwhen using the router. Painting the foam at center is a nice look as well.
I’ve cut the middle part a bit thicker than a FU box for the reasons you mentioned.
I’m thinking about coloring the middle part, indeed. I really like the look of those red HD foam stringers/infills. But not decided on the colour of the glas job yet. Maybe a light vintage green (lot of white, little green). In that case I’d colour the middle part dark brown or black.
put a masonry blade in the skill saw and hook it up to a speed controller and you can cut EPS with it. thats how i cut the blanks for stringers… tooth blade at full speed on eps can be scary!