Evolution of fish from mal "take 2" Build thread.

I will add more info at a later stage as I’m in the middle of stuff but I wanted to chuck something up here.

Especially for the guys who like me love a good build thread, this one may not be good but it’s gunna have a few interesting bits and pieces.

few more older pics

the first pic in the first post is the board it came from, with the outline of the board marked on it. the board was supposed to be 5’5" by 20" but i had students mark out the template after it was stripped and some how the template moved for them and i have to rejig it to get it close to symmetrical, now its around 5’4 1/2" by 19 and a quarter.

second pic, the teacher who donated the old mal and her partner getting the saw to it, if you look close you can see the resin in the rail that had to be cut out later.

third, here the order gets messed up but this is where the board is up to at the moment, pretty close to the outline and foil, need rails rounded and the bottom rocker tweaked in a room with lights and a chance to eye it out better.

4th the outline, there is a little chunk in the top rail that need smoothing, a combination of the repair and the glue line offering a little more resistance to the sanding block and the paper template gymnastics that i had to do to try and salvage something close to symmetry.

5th, shows how i have tried to get some rocker into the blank after cutting it from the middle of the mal. i look at this pic and my brain goes from “kinda looks alright” to “i need to work on that”

6th bottom contours and the terrible lighting in the area under the building, pretty much shaping by feel, nothing to get a line of site, seeing twists everywhere, the slope on the ground has me thinking there is a twist on way when i look from the tail and then when i look from the nose it seems to be the opposite.

7th and 8th, bits where i had to dig out resin and repair the rail resin hunk. have to spak filla these, “adds to the charm”

9th outline from the bottom and the corresponding little bump in the rail where the rail repair is.

Here is the final shaping of the the board
In a mates shed that came up at the last minute, “mental note check other peoples shaping stands for stray bits of resin,” as they will make a mess of your blank after you have spent an age getting it right. You will see a pic of the underside rail with a bunch of dints in it.
The tails is a bit off, classic over correction for the glue texture ended up being a little asym but that’s ok if you’re a goofy foot.
setting to work doing a paint scrape job to hide the discolouration of the foam.

It’s pretty close now.

Putting a bit of colour on it.
Back under the building, some paints my fiance was throwing out, more rubbish.
As usual nothing works first time and in the time I have available. Didnt have enough paint, (thinned it out with metho to make it easier to work some lots i thinned too much) and had to leave it after this application and go to class.
Mixed up a bunch more of straight blue at first lunch break and did another application, but the paint had bled a lot due to it being left and the foam wasn’t blown off with a compressor before the tape was applied. (yes it is 3M tape) but you cant see the discoloured foam anymore, the ding repair on the rail will be visible but that make s part of the story.

Definitely distracts from the discoloured foam.
Was a super rush job (as if that’s not obvious) all of 15 mins to mix paint tape up (for what that was worth) and spread paint.

What a cool project! Nice way to turn trash into treasure.

cheers man its gunna get plenty of love from the kids in the surf excellence program.

Should be a good board for the kids.

Some will like the colour some will hate it, i don’t care. It covers the brown bits.

In keeping with the board from rubbish theme I bought a broken board from the dump for 5 bucks, and the young lady from work who donated the original mini mal used my battery drill and a tent peg to get them out. then she even went to town and gleaned them all up. couldn’t be more stoked with that.

Anyway, all set to laminate this arvo after work, have some solar resin catalyst (never used it before) so I will maybe be able to do top and bottom lam in one. Something will go wrong I’m sure.

Yes something went wrong, the old resin has completely unstabilised, the xylene has gone off.

Off to the fibreglass shop this arvo. Grrrrrr, I was there yesterday

First time with solar resin.
Be interesting to see how it holds up.
Heaps of steps to go but its getting closer.

Not sure if everybody does this. but should led me get a cool halo around the swallow.

Nice work man. I’ve done one of these. A mate found a longboard two pieces in a skip. I made him a 5’6" egg. Turned out pretty sweet. It’s pretty satisfying turning some landfill into a new board aye.

resin dams and rough tail shapes

But the damn thing fell over in the shed and landed on the compressor. Put a shatter in the deck. Cosmetic only, but still a bummer

So it’s done, but I’m “disappointed” my mate helped me set the fin plugs, and he pulled out the dummy fins, the box pulled out as the resin hadn’t set. (It’s not his fault, I could have re-set it right there but I didn’t.) Everything else is rad.
He claimed they would be fine but they were recycled Fcs 2, hmmmm. The fin can’t is different on each fin.
I’m wondering if i should dig it out and replace the fin box…

“EDIT” i put some production fcs MR find in the boxes and BOOM it’s perfect. the tabs on the other fins had been made by a mate of mine and the tabs are a bit sloppy in the box so i’ll glass them on something instead “one day”…


I haven’t surfed it but the kids at school have had a surf on it and they seemed pretty stoked…


Absolutely man, i have been making rubbish into boards a fair bit, its rad.
getting building foam and other scraps.

Reshaping old boards is fine for back yard builders. I think what you are doing with the students is great. At the same time, it may not be appreciated by the industry guys trying to make a living.

I don’t think the kids are gunna be board shapers. But there has been a destinctive change in attitude towards different types of boards in the last two years.
Lots of them eyeing off twins and fishes. Compared to the “why don’t you just get a normal board sir”.
Maybe that’s the ride anything attitudes filtering down?