allowances made for rudimentry physical damages beset upon agent X on the seventh day of surf…[on tuesday he rested]
Body technician dr monesevitch administered shoulder orientated therapy during lost camera search,while george W. sought shelter with dog in bunker.followed up by attention and prayer by uncle freddy to tune shoulder up a pitch…
loaded a truckbed of compost at kapaa dump
followed by applied mysicism at the opu peak at lydgate park
***coded message mandatory in trans scholastic communication to keep hard information from falling into the wrong hands
the east side at lydgate was south ten minute intrvals with 4’sets 12’er w/ paddle five waves, light onshores cleared out the morning guys and I surfed alone for a half hour then two paddled outon long boards ,a real velzy and a performance tanquere an I went in with the top secret twelver and the douglas fir paddle
then in changed up an rode the 11’er to prep for the coming week of light and variables and a train o’ south swells from 150 deg.
hanalei 7-10 ’ dependant on who you believe and a little bumpy
riddle was talking about a coupla corners to ride
the morning is on everybody’s mind what is to come of it is yet to be seen…
anticipating the dawn… ambrose… Leland the self styled drunken mystic is getting two years for terroristic threatening…go figga?
Beautiful south hitting here last night, had a wild screaming (me) late drop on a big one – now dawn is close, the semi-secret agents among us are ready…cloaked by the dark…
Pay attention, stop jumping up and down agent Piston. Here is the top-secret transportation I was talking about. Two wheels, and put your feet here - now pump Mr. Piston - you’ll arrive at our next meeting place ready for cardio de-briefing. Here is the latest water suit fresh from the lab, It’s waterproof and tear-proof and it will shed the river runoff so those miniature evil agents of Kaos won’t take you out. Check out these shoes, they turn you into a fish. Now unfold your wave melder and blow. Get out there and quantify your reactions for the pop quiz next week. Extra credit? Here’s your high-tech trash retainer/obtainer, if you’ve still got some energy, pick up the paper from those that haven’t got a clue, or did they commit it to memory then throw it away? Hey, now that you’re finished and everyone went home, still got some energy? Look at your schedule - the evening glass-off is for Master Class. You’re on your way to graduation with honors from this wink and nod Secret Service, just don’t push that unmarked red button.
All the old performers (and mystics) know that it takes a heavy bag of sand to balance the weight of the curtain…