expoxy boards

A couple of years ago I made a board with clark foam and expoxy resin that I got from resin research. The board felt stiff and the hot coat pealed off after a short time. I gave up on expoy. A couple of months ago I stopped in and talked to Greg Loehr and bought a blank made of endro foam and some expoy and additive “F”. I shaped a 6’8" fun board and glassed it with a 2x4 bottom and a 4x6 top. The board is really lite and very strong. It has become my lastest favorite board. Using endro foam changed the feel of the ride from stiff to smooth. I’m already planning another endro/epoxy board. Thanks Greg.

Thanks. We’ve worked hard for many years to eliminate the problems you encountered in the past. Thanks for giving us another shot.

Greg, Do you know if epoxy blanks and resins are available in Hawaii? Correct me if I’m wrong, but are the blanks like square sheets? Do they have stringers in them? Havent had any experience with styro or epoxy, but all the talk here has got me interested. Thanks, FD

I’m not sure of the exact scene in Hawaii but I’m planning on going over there next fall. I have dealt with many shops on Maui and I’m sure that almost everything is there. I just don’t know details at this time. Perhaps when I get over we can meet. Email me at

Sounds great!!! Thanks for your response… Aloha, Derek