Extra FCS jigs?

What’s up. I’m a begining shaper and don’t have the dough to get the FCS installation kit just yet. I was wondering if any of you vetrans have Old plastic installation jigs laying around for cheap? I have gone through the process before with regular fins but it was messy and I think it would be much easier with the jigs. Thanks DANman

You can make your own jigs out of 1/4 inch plywood. No particular pattern just the same base as a regular FCS fin and done.

I’ve installed many FCS plugs and never used a jig. I use a wood hole template to drill the holes. Then use slow cure (gel) epoxy to set the fins/plugs in…take my sweet time and get it just right. Using quick kick resin is asking for trouble. I did several boards b4 even knowing there was a install kit available.