Hello all, firstly thanks for all your hard earned and generously shared knowledge…
I have just done a nose patch fabric inlay on a 9’0. I glassed the base and did a cutlap to meet the edge of the fabric where the pinline will be. All went well.
My question is - Would you do deck patch inlay of glass to meet the fabric, then one layer over the whole deck ( glass is 6oz ) or can i just do two layers as normal? I pressed the edges of the inlay down when " leather hard " so it would be nice and flat… The board is clear ( no pig or tint ) but im not fond of freelapping, I like cut laps.
So, would i just sand my lapline and glass deck as normal or do a glass inlay? or is this just personal preference??
Any and all advice is greatly appreciated, thanks …
Greg, I taped off my pin line and papered the deck, wrapped over onto paper then shon a lamp from the bottom and turned all other lights off and used a razor to cut along tape line. Then while still " leatherhard" I pressed the lapline of glass down flush with the foam. There is now very little difference in height , maybe a light sand along lap and then the nose and tail corners. Also the fabric was very thin cotton and I used very little resin and sqeegee’d it really well to avoid air bubbles.
So I figure sand laps lightly, blow off, then mark my cut line on base ( with pinline tool and a nail ) mask off base, then glass with 2 layers of 6 oz and carry on as normal? Does that sound right?