faded black board???

i heard it is not a good idea to get a black or dark color board because it will delaminated, is that true?? i am going to have my shaper paint my board this Sunday and i want know if it is a bad idea to get black color and i know it is going to be a pain in the ass to fix any dings.

here is a picture of color design that i put on my 8’2" mini mal. the rail is dark red and the bottom is all red. or should i go for dark blue rail? http://www.msnusers.com/surfboard/shoebox.msnw?action=ShowPhoto&PhotoID=1

makes the wax melt off. and during hot summer days it can seriously burn you. not to mention how much its probably baking the foam. just a thought. http://members.cox.net/austinsurfboards

makes the wax melt off. and during hot summer days it can seriously burn > you. not to mention how much its probably baking the foam. just a thought. so do you know will it delaminate easier if i have a black color board? thanks

so do you know will it delaminate easier if i have a black color board?>>> thanks One word. YES.

One word. YES. i’m new to this, but can you tell me why dark color will delam eayer than any other lighter color? does any one have a problem like this with a darker board? thank you all for replying to my message.

i’m new to this, but can you tell me why dark color will delam eayer than > any other lighter color? does any one have a problem like this with a > darker board?>>> thank you all for replying to my message. WHEN LIGHT STIKES MATTER, SOME OF THE MATTERS ATOMS MAY ABSORB PHOTONS. A SUBSTANCE THAT ABSORBS LIGHT IS CALLED A PIGMENT. WHEN THE LIGHT HITS THE BLACK PIGMENT THE BLACK PIGMENT WILL ABSORB ALL OF THE COLORS OF THE LIGHT SPECTRUM. THE LIGHT ENERGY WILL BE TURNED INTO HEAT ENERGY THUS DELAMINATING THE BOARD.