FCS 2 homemade template

Hey guys


Im thinking of using FCSII for my next board but am really struggling to spend $90 on a template and router bit. I have access to a CNC router so can easily make my own template if i have the dimensions right.  Im thinking of just taking the finbox and increasing by 1/8" around all edges.  Make sense?  Or - is the clearance between the finbox and pocket tighter.  I have not installed anything except longboard boxes and normal plugs to date so am not sure if i need to have a specific clearance.


Also, in case it makes any difference, this is for a hollow wood board





Sounds good, you could probably go a little under 1/8".  Make sure you have some backing behind them, even a chunk of foam will work.  I just freehanded mine with a trim rounter when I put them in.

1/8in seems pretty sloppy. 

I believe they are almost a “press fit” - more like 1/64 



Aloha Brad, pay close attention, wise council was just given.

Fcs fusions and fcs ii fit so tight that you dont even need to tape the fins when setting cant angles. No slop whatsoever

I think that super tight fit would work great on a foam board, with a hws you might want a little margin for some glass, just sayin. If you’re making your own template you’re not bound by the standards for foam installation, the gap can be whatever you choose.

Any tips or advice for installing free hand? About to attempt installing fcs 2 fins but not sure if I should try making jig? 

This is my first attempt at shaping so any advice would be appreciated cheers!

Did you get round to installing the fcs 2 fins?

Below is a thread where homemade FCS2 plugs and jigs were discussed. I cannot say 100% if the jig files in there towards the end are exactly the same size as an authentic FCS2.

You could print them out and see.


Thought the Cant was in them already?  9 and 5 degree.