The title kind of says it all, I’ve searched through the archives but haven’t been able to find my exact answer. I’m tinting my board orange and I’m curious to know the exact method I should take to install FCS II plugs in the most seamless way possible. I’ve seen heaps of people install after laminating, and heaps saying they install pre lamination. They both say their way is the right way, and all videos show the process on a clear board, so I’m just after some clarity on what exactly to do! Cheers
You can do it either way. If you do it prelam make sure to use a full tail patch and cut it nice and symetrically as it will be seen through the tint. Be careful to squeeze out all bubbles - if you don’t you will sand through and have to fill them in later. I prefer prelam but It’s probably easier and quicker to do it post-lam with clear resin/patches (I’ve never tried but this is how most high volume shops seem to do it).
Much cleaner look to do it after the lamination. Then lay a clear football patch over the FCS II box. Way cleaner and just as strong. The colored FCS box under a tint looks crappy. Clean box with no muddy tint over ir is a better look and not any harder to do.
These are Fusion. But I think you can get the idea. Blue tint over any box looks crappy and it is more work. You can see the recently sanded patch, but that will disappear when I gloss. Lowel
Thanks so much guys, this helps a tonne!