I was talking to someone at the beach who builds boards. He said he heard FCS screwed Rusty out of some money or something a little while ago and Rusty wont put FCS in anymore of his boards. Did anyone here anything like this?
ya i herd that from a major shaper in florida as well. FCS screwed up hardcore.
I was talking to someone at the beach who builds boards. He said he heard > FCS screwed Rusty out of some money or something a little while ago and > Rusty wont put FCS in anymore of his boards. Did anyone here anything like > this? >>>>>> R. surfboards (and others) are concerned about FCS (Australia) sales to Taiwan surfboard manufacturing Company’s.R. gave FCS huge support when they started here in the U.S. They (R.) are looking into other fin systems as an alternative to using only one fin system. Probably a lesson to be learned here somewhere, how’s that old saying go, “don’t leave your eggs in one basket”. Not to slight FCS but there are other systems that are at least equal if not better than FCS’s current fin system. And don’t forget you can always glass them on! sk
I think Rusty is looking into the “future” aloha
Ya, Rusty def. got in a fight with FCS! they screwed um over bad! No more FCS and rusty.
I cannot say what might have happened to Rusty? (I thought that Rusty was an investor in FCS.) I will say that many in the recreation industry are flakes with next to zero business sense. The ones that do have business sense win in the end. Service, Service, Service and honesty are the keys. The above comments are just my opionions from watching the surfboard industry over the last decade or so. Anthony>>> I was talking to someone at the beach who builds boards. He said he heard > FCS screwed Rusty out of some money or something a little while ago and > Rusty wont put FCS in anymore of his boards. Did anyone here anything like > this? http://www.viser.net/~anthwind/
What about Channel Islands? Are they going to continue to use FCS with all the bad Cobra press? I know the objective of business is to sell as much product/service as possible, but you can’t alienate your core market to do so. Look at OP they were all over the place until they went into the malls then the core shops that helped them get established, wanted nothing to do with them. OP still has not recovered from all that. Is FCS headed down the same path? What kid is going to want the same kind of fin system on their new board that one could get on a Chinese Cobra Pop out? Isn’t that why Quicksilver is moving to establish/expand their own line of retail stores? Brand integrity is the name of the game. Without it, your nothing.
…It’s really sad to see something that could be easily modified alittle,and still except the same fins,but be more reliable. …As for FCS and Rusty …what goes around…well you know.Herb
Rusty - FCS = no more C5 technology??? Hmmmm… perhaps R. should look into Spitzer Superchargers? I heard of another fin system manufacturer that is making a special FCS adapter for their fins. By attaching this adapter to the bottom of the fins, you can use FCS’s fins with the other system.
Rusty - FCS = no more C5 technology??? Hmmmm… perhaps R. should look > into Spitzer Superchargers?>>> I heard of another fin system manufacturer that is making a special FCS > adapter for their fins. By attaching this adapter to the bottom of the > fins, you can use FCS’s fins with the other system. I believe it was Future Fins that made the adapter. It’s a good idea to broaden options. However, whenever you add an extra component you end up with stack tolerances. Which usually mean less secure fit.
Rusty has always offered every fin system available. FCS somehow screwed over Rusty after everything he did for them. Rusty is pissed. FCS is killing themself, nevermind how bad the system is.