FCS fins or fin boxes?

After shaping my first board I don’t think I want to glass the fins on. I was wondering if it was easier to install FCS plugs or fin boxes. I would appreciate any info from those that have maybe installed both. ie, what tools would be required to make the holes for the plugs or boxes. thanx… --NM

After shaping my first board I don’t think I want to glass the fins on. I > was wondering if it was easier to install FCS plugs or fin boxes. I would > appreciate any info from those that have maybe installed both. ie, what > tools would be required to make the holes for the plugs or boxes. thanx… You can mount FCS plugs with a drill as the only power tool. See http://www.suncure.com/dingrepairguide.html#fcs plug repair Good for first installation of plugs also. Make sure you make a column along the edge of the hole to the deckside glass even for the center fin. I do this with a 4mm drillbit and just run it around the edge of the hole, being careful not to drill through the deck. Mind that I’ve only done this for a few plugs(ding repair). Most other fin systems require a router. If you have one and are used to it I would think any fins system is just as easy to install as FCS. regards, Håvard

NM I have a system that is so easy to install all you need is a hole saw and drill, I supply all marking out templets and jigs to fit the plugs. E -mail me and i will send you some photos and cost. Regards Peter (Rabbit) http://Southcoastfoam.com.au

fcs is very easy to install. plus a company called fiberglass supply (fiberglasssupply.com) they are carrying the 3 fins + plugs for $30. if you bought the plugs alone anywhere else it would be $27. good luck

fcs is very easy to install. plus a company called fiberglass supply > (fiberglasssupply.com) they are carrying the 3 fins + plugs for $30. if > you bought the plugs alone anywhere else it would be $27. good luck $30 for a FCS thruster set-up with plugs is a good price. I pay $24 a set from FCS but I’ve seen posts that quote as high as $45 a set. Kokua

Regards Peter (Rabbit) Hey Peter {Rabbit) sounds like you have some neat stuff,why don’t you post an add under the Resource section of this site?Post prices and shipping in USA dollars…Just a thought.Try to make it easy if you can…I once ordered a shaping video from Australia and it was a hassle as far as money transfer went.What is it that you say down under?..good on ya’?Well good on ya’ for trying to help us out with new products and ideas.

$30 for a FCS thruster set-up with plugs is a good price. I pay $24 a set > from FCS but I’ve seen posts that quote as high as $45 a set. Kokua …FCS,this company give’s me heart burn.From day one these people have been clueless.Sorry.You can’t even buy the plug’s separete anymore.You have to buy the fin’s to.I work with one of the very best repair men in the biz.Over thirty year’s doing boat’s,epoxy,surfboard’s.Then FCS come’s along with a great product,but will not sell it to you.Then after a year or so they figure it out that you are doing repair’s and sell you only 10 plugs a month.AAAAAAaaaaaaaa.Then the kit’s come at a price that’s double what it was before.AAAAaaaaaaaaaaa.Now no kit’s unless you buy the fin’s also.So now ive got 100 center plug’s and fin’s that ill never use.There is not enough space on this site to tell you how strange this company really is.Now we make our own plug’s.And use RED X.Well se how this work’s out.Like i said in the begening,sorry,but the surf here has been on the flat side for a while.Im a little tence right now.

Hey Peter {Rabbit) sounds like you have some neat stuff,why don’t you post > an add under the Resource section of this site?Post prices and shipping in > USA dollars…Just a thought.Try to make it easy if you can…I once > ordered a shaping video from Australia and it was a hassle as far as money > transfer went.What is it that you say down under?..good on ya’?Well > good on ya’ for trying to help us out with new products and ideas. you forgot the… Good on ya mate. Yes i do have soom good stuff to sell but i only work for southcoast foam. I will talk to the owner about your idea’s. We have developed a new foam which is tight in the cells and very hard with no soft core. so one four oz on the deck and you still have board the hard to dent and real light. When you look at the foam in the lights its so white its just about clear.i have taken as much as 3/4 of the deck and its still hard, I mean you have to push real hard with you fingers to even mark it and yes it takes longer to shape all the marks out from the surf former Also we have a new resin that is crystall clear compared to silmar. everyone here is starting to use the foam and resin because together the surfboards are so white and they stay that way, even shapers that have never used our foam before. I now when you guy start to use the foam you will want it always. JA this is for you The new fin system we have will take FCS fins, it will cost you about $15.00 usa per kit. shipping cost should be low as i would send by Airmail. Payment by bankcheque or maybe credit card OK mate Rabbit http://www.southcoastfoam.com.au

…FCS,this company give’s me heart burn.From day one these people have > been clueless.Sorry.You can’t even buy the plug’s separete anymore.You > have to buy the fin’s to.I work with one of the very best repair men in > the biz.Over thirty year’s doing boat’s,epoxy,surfboard’s.Then FCS come’s > along with a great product,but will not sell it to you.Then after a year > or so they figure it out that you are doing repair’s and sell you only 10 > plugs a month.AAAAAAaaaaaaaa.Then the kit’s come at a price that’s double > what it was before.AAAAaaaaaaaaaaa.Now no kit’s unless you buy the fin’s > also.So now ive got 100 center plug’s and fin’s that ill never use.There > is not enough space on this site to tell you how strange this company > really is.Now we make our own plug’s.And use RED X.Well se how this work’s > out.Like i said in the begening,sorry,but the surf here has been on the > flat side for a while.Im a little tence right now J.A. Send me your e-mail address again. I didn’t put it on my backup disc before I installed new HD. Aloha Mike

J.A. Send me your e-mail address again. I didn’t put it on my backup disc > before I installed new HD. Aloha Mike Mike Try out the Fin solution one system we have. I will sell you plugs or fins or both what ever. The price is good $35.00 AUS per set that about $15.00 USA and FCS fins fit the plugs what more could you want. Coloured plugs? sure do. Making side fins for mals sets now. My E-mail Regards Peter (Rabbit) http://www.southcoastfoam.com.au