FCS Fusion *AFTER* Glassing

I wanna change a board from glass-ons to FCS Fusion boxes.

Removing the old fins is no problem.

What about installing the new boxes though…

Football patch over the boxes?

Yes. Football patches. As you would know, just sand down the area around so the weave is showing. George Gall said after glass install is actually stronger. Although I don’t see how and argued with him unsuccessfully. 

I think Proboxf Larry has some pictures of this process in the archives. 


all the best

Thanks Greg!

Yep, I figured it was pretty straight-forward.

Gonna knock it out!

George Gall DEFINITELY knows what he is talking about

But (retrofits aside) under-glass boxes are the best thing since sliced bread.

And, you can quote me =)

…hello; is better to sand the gloss coat; the hot coat and the other fiber layers that actually are the glass ons…then continue sanding until you reach the bottom lamination. Then remove the dust; apply styrene; check evrything is leveled and proceed to do the holes.

If not the mechanic hold would be not so good and in the finisg step you will find a difficult bump regarding the rest of the finish; so to level you will sand and sand and finish over sanded.

Hope this helps

I’ve done a lot of post glass installs and repairs. You’ll be fine. Reverb has some good advice. Make sure your router depth gets the box below your existing bottom glass or you’ll end up sanding too much of the patch off the box.

It pretty easily done.  Just make sure the surface is clean and flat.  Sometimes it’s a good idea to put down a patch of 4oz. before you route.  Insures a good surface for the router to slide around on and your patch over will stick well.