OK, back to the myth busting:-

(i) the packaging does not cost anything stupid. Where do you guys get this stuff?!!

Its comparable to the pricing for the normal packaging (its just a tin with foam in it!!).

(ii) if you were wondering why so expensive, its because the fins are made of premium materials - the best epoxy (ultra clear), Texalium (which is a very exotic material which gets more expensive every month due to petrochemical inflation), and there is reject rate in the moulding process due to the complexity of the moulding process and this makes the cost of fins more expensive.

(iii) if you have ridden them you will know they are worth it. They have made every board I have go 50% better, no joke. More speed and control = I am making sections and maneouvres I wouldnt normally make.

(iv) the demand for these fins means that we are challenged to also have fins available instantly in the Test Drive Centres around the world, but they will be there very soon.

OK, I was not going to weight in here, but I think this is getting a bit uglier than need be. FCS rep- a bit of restraint in using the S word with prospective customers and you will sell more fins. But I bet it’s frustrating- a company invests in making something they think is better, and is therefore of more value to prospective customers, sees some customers trying to nickel and dime and discount the price. Well, I think it’s a promotional and or advertising issue: if these are better, then effectively get the word out, and folks will spend the extra dollars if they are SOLD that they will surf better or have more fun. I think the campaign has fallen short on the intro. I think these fins are different is a good way, and I’m glad I have them, and I’ll even get more for my boards so I don’t have to change. And not at a discount either, heck I’ll reward their R & D and buy 'em at full price. Waves tested: head and a half high, fast ledgy reef, hollow and long. A to A+ waves. The boards tried: first a highly rockered ASP pro type model. Usually with normal fins a very quick pocket/ vertical shwacker, but not the fastest down the line without working it. With H2: faster down the line, still just as loose, better carver, more enjoyable. Other board: same waves, identical board but with less tail rocker, with usual fins a better down-the-line board but less pivoty than board #1. Surprisingly, the fin change helped this board become more pivoty, with no loss of speed, result more enjoyable. These fins have something going on: immediate engagement on turns, and less apparent drag. For comparison, the F series worked well on only board # 2: they changed performance in board #1 in a way that was already there: increasing already fast hard pivots, at the expense of speed. If you are poor and know someone, then go ahead and get the H2s cheap if you must. But if you like to experiment, I wouldn’t wait and nickel and dime these folks. You may be missing out and the company might deserve to actually make a little on these.


(ii) if you were wondering why so expensive, its because the fins are made of premium materials - the best epoxy (ultra clear), Texalium (which is a very exotic material which gets more expensive every month due to petrochemical inflation), and there is reject rate in the moulding process due to the complexity of the moulding process and this makes the cost of fins more expensive.

Isn’t Texalium that aluminum covered glass cloth? The one that doesn’t add to strength but rather (quote:)“an attractive surface creates a strong impression.”? Once again a lot of hype from FCS?





Tough crowd…

Forgive us for trying to make the product look as good as they go.

Enough said from me, check ya much later.

Hey FCSRep Ive see the redtip adds and noticed to that the plugs used in it looks like one big oval plug. Is this the new system that people have been talking about? Also do you know when the H2 will come to Hawaii?

The big oval is a mounting plate inside the Flow Tank where we test fins. Behind it are sensitive scientific devices that capture 6 axes of telemetry about the fins performance.

The mounting plate is servo controlled with digital inputs so that angle of attack with relation to the water flow can be controlled and telemetry measured. Fun stuff.

H-2’s are available in Hawaii, probably just out of stock at your local.

cool, thanks, Ill just ask around for it, havnt seen it anywhere