My first instal of the fcs plugs was done after the sand coat. I installed them, sanded them down, made some tape to fit the outline of the plug, then gloss coat. Before the gloss went off i picked at the tape with a dental pick to remove. Kind of a trick to keep my fat gut away from the wet board, and i stay away from the 3 or 4 cups of high test that morning (Crazy shaking hand after just 2 cups!) this leaves the plugs inset just a bit, not flush… Am i doing this right? what is the best way?
I do it the same way. Seems to work out just fine.
Howzit soreloser, don’t pull the tape off the plugs til after you finish rubbing out and polishing the board. Aloha, Kokua
same for a fin box Kokua?
Yes, don’t pull fin box tape either. Aloha, Kokua