FCS Plugs

Going through the process of making my first board, I’m ready to install FCS fins. I’ve been to three or four local surf shops (Central Florida) and none of them carry FCS Plugs. Ron Jons only sells one plug per $15 repair kit. Fiberglass Florida doesn’t sell them either. Is there a place within an hour or two’s drive from Orlando where I could pick up the plugs I need for a thruster setup? I’ve hit the wall and waiting around for the next step sucks.

The southeast distrubitor for FCS is The Surfsource and they are located in Atlantic bch Fla, Jacksonville area. WWW.thesurfsource.net

Try rainbow fincompany in Satellite beach, off south Patrick,they got all.

surf source works great. not sure how much theylole charge u though. depends if u got a tax payer id thing. i know i pay $30 for set of fins and plugs. good luck read directions dj