FCS plugs

if the plugs get ripped out of a board can you use the same plugs to repair it with or do you have to use new plugs??? lte me know. thanks guys/gals

if the plugs get ripped out of a board can you use the same plugs to > repair it with or do you have to use new plugs??? lte me know. thanks > guys/gals If you can seperate the old resin from the plug and the set screw is not to loose or the cavity to worn or stressed, then you can. But, you need to be sure you get a good column of milled fiber filled resin right down to the under side of the deck glass with a clean bond to both the plugs and the glass.

I have a better idea. You should just get redx fins and that wont happen. FCS is bullshit and breaks all the time

if the plugs get ripped out of a board can you use the same plugs to > repair it with or do you have to use new plugs??? lte me know. thanks > guys/gals Bro – the answer is no. You need the FCS removal jig and hole saw to do it right. Removing the plug will destroy it. Order all these parts new and you will be out of pocked about $25. “A cheap tool is an expensive tool.” Shine http://users2.fdn.com/~shine

You are best to buy two new plugs as the “neck” that is on a new plug has been sanded off during production. Without this neck you will end up with resin in the fin slot as well as the set screw hole. It can be done by taping off the plug but for the five dollars that they cost you are better off with a new set. The FCS system is a good one but the plugs must be installed properly and rarely ever are. Let the resin go off slowly with moderater heat in the room. Don’t rush the installation. The faster the resin goes off the more styrene is released into the air and the more likely you will end up with shrinkage. This will allow the plug to fail as the foam/deck to plug bond will be comprimised. The red-x system, in my opinion, is not a better system. The disadvantge of it is that were the box comes through the deck is often were people end up putting there knee during duck dives or there foot and heel. I have seen many a board with severe cracks around the box where it meets the deck. This allows water to enter and works toward weaking the box. When the box tears out you are left with a huge hole and likely a section of rail missing. > if the plugs get ripped out of a board can you use the same plugs to > repair it with or do you have to use new plugs??? lte me know. thanks > guys/gals

thanks guys!! ill go with new plugs.

Stephan, Everyone is entitled to their opinion. And, yes a proper installation is critical for the effectiveness of any fin system. However, if you take an “honest” look at the number of boards that have had Red X installed in them over the past four years, you will not find a problem with seperation at the neck. There has been a perception that it could be a problem. But, in reality we have not had any complaints from users. The only complaints have come from those resistant to change. At ASR we had one of Kelly Slater’s, Brad Gerlach’s, Tim Curren’s and Boby Martinez’s boards each in the booth. They had all been ridden hard with heavy deck crushing. There was no seperation on any of the boxes in any of the boards. But, to releive impressions we have made a protective cover just for those who are concerned about the possibility.

Tom - There is a local underground shaper/surfer in the Morro Bay area using your system with great results. Central Coast Fiberglass does the glassing. I consider his choice of your product to be quite an endorsement.

Tom - There is a local underground shaper/surfer in the Morro Bay area > using your system with great results. Central Coast Fiberglass does the > glassing. I consider his choice of your product to be quite an > endorsement…I’m taking a board to Central Coast Fiberglass today, and yes it will get Red X fins. I’v had Red X on the last few boards and have had only good feedback.

John & Scott, Thanks for the support. Check out the www.surfforum.com I’m running a little contest over there.

Oh yeah - The guy’s name is Shane Stoneman. Low production shaper but established reputation in big surf. He’d be the last person to tell you.

RedX rules. FCS blows