FCS Shaper awards - worthy exercise or a load of shit? Discuss...

FCS Shaper Awards

I’m in the second camp.

I spy with my little eye : CNC in the video WTF

I honestly thought this topic would generate more discussion. Obviously most of us aren’t in this game for the recognition, but surely it’s at least just a little bit interesting to some of you?

I nominated Aku Shaper. #legend

Like most surf awards and surf halls of fame…its a circle jerk.

I kind of liked the ‘blind’ judging of the Sacred Craft shape-offs.  A crew picks the best shape of the bunch and then finds out who did it.  Plain and simple.  A couple of winners come to mind who seem to deserve the multiple awards they received - namely Ricky Carroll and Wayne Rich.  It seems like a valid way to stage a shaping competition.  

I think it’s a load of BS. The merricks, matt biolis, DHD, and all the others making boards for guys on the world tour win. Tomo is the only one who has truly gone a bit outside the box and innovated some cool stuff. Id support him as a winner. 


But anyway, my point is this… do you see the Campbell brothers winning or even getting close to winning? Probably not because it’s not a thruster or quad. Not saying they should win, just saying they have done some special things but because it’s a bonzer i doubt it would ever be considered in the high school popularity contest that is main stream surfing.

There can be a difference between the most innovative shaper and the best.  If it was just based on the most innovative or strange; the guy that shaped the “Düsseldorf” would have won.  Like Brad Basham told me one time;  “There’s no shortage of good Shapers.”  Hell he’s gotta half dozen working outta his factory.  Senate’s across the street.  Biolas next door.  And on and on.  Very few of them make big money or get the recognition they should.

I second Bob T’s nominations. Funny.