FCS vs Glassed on Fins for midsize fish

I’m looking at getting a mid-size fish (between a 6’2" and a 6’10") and was wondering if anyone had a recommendation on whether to get removeable fins (i.e. FCS) or glassed on ones.

Also, should I go with a twin-fin or quad-fin setup?

Any recommendation would be much appreciated.


FCS is barely strong enough for side fins for tris…

Fish use bigger side fins, since they don’t run trailers…

Four fins lessens the load on each box, as you always have at least two in the water…

Are you ever going to experiement with fins?

Glass ons, KISS theory, so you don't have to think.

Funboards that sized, I’d highly recommend fins sizing in the 6.5x6" range.

Hi 9Fish,

LeeDD’s KISS approach is good advice.

Lotsa good options for fish fins (I’m talking about D-Fins) in fin systems now days. FCS, Futures, Lokbox, Probox to name a few.

Attached are some pics to help you out.


Lokbox (from another thread)

FCS (Ask for “Skeg” fins from your local supplier - I’d expect they’ll need to order them)


Unless you are going to travel or have a bunch of different fins to experiment with I would go with glass ons. I find that the lokbox and the futuresare easier than FCS to install anyway.

if not glassys…then Red-X …It’s the strongest + ajustable.Tru-ames makes a great keel fin for the fish.