FEB 1ST - 5 minutes for the planet

On Feb 1st we turn off ALL LIGHTS from 19:55 till 20:00!

Take action against climate change: let’s please all turn off the lights so that all decision makers realise something is up.

L’Alliance pour la Planète (a group of environment movements) appeals to all People: Please give our planet a 5 minutes’ break.

Everybody is requested to Please turn off their lights on the 1st of February from 19:55 to 20:00.

Just Local time, like a wave across the Planet from East to West

It’s not so much about saving the energy, but about letting citizens,media and political decision makers focus on the energy that’s being wasted and the urgency to take action!

A five minute break for our planet: it doesn’t take all that long and costs nothing, but it points out to politicians that climate change is an important subject in the political debate.

Why February 1st? Because on that day, in Paris, the UN climate change report will be publicized.

We need to take this opportunity to focus on the urgency of our planet’s climate crisis.

If all of us as conderned individuals take part, this action will make an impact on media and politics!

The Power of One can change the world, but as a collective we can make a greater impact

More importantly, spread the word - use your voices, your blogs, your forums, and your emails

Take action - raise awareness

Please circulate this message, forward it as much as possible, to your friends, local policians, newsletters, publish it on your site, etc… For more info (in French) : www.lalliance.fr

Si, GMT?

What time is that for our friends in Oz, US etc? Sync it up.

Climate change…???..

I’m still all freaked out about the BIRD FLU…!!!..

What’s gonna be our next unrealized disaster…???..

In my house we keep the lights off all the time unless we need them. We shut everything down and have even become conscious of all those “sleep” lights. WE heat the house judiciously. Funny thing, everything you do to help the planet…helps yourself. Our energy bills are ridiculously low.


Funny thing, everything you do to help the planet…helps yourself. Our energy bills are ridiculously low.

Way to go bro.

Re time zones, is local time - I updated the original posting.

At this time of year, UK/Eire/Portugal/Maroc time = GMT

I’ll put on my sun glasses for five minutes. The ice caps on Mars are also melting leading me to believe the cycle of the sun may just have some part of this warming trend. I’ll also never drive my car on Mars if that will help!

Go watch An Inconvienient truth - thats my two cents.

I am not a left wing environmental nut - Im a fairly pragmatic person, but this film put things into perspective.

Global Warming is a real threat, and it is happening at an out of balance rate because of our impact on the earth.

We can choose to believe the great intelectual prowess of Jer Clarkson, deny the obvious, stick our heads up our assholes and let future generations clean up the mess and try to salvage whats left.

Its the same mentality that allowed:

Car companies to say Seatbelts would not save lives until the 1960’s

Tobacco companies to say smoking did not cause lung cancer

Tobacco companies to say that nicotene was not addictive.

Gun companies say Guns dont kill people, People do.

In Columbine after the massacre, they banned trenchcoats in schools, not guns.

Since then there have been several more school massacres, we even have a term for it for Gods sake.

In the UK after Hungerford they banned assault weapons, After Dunblaine they banned handguns, the result is there has been no repeat of such tragedies.

Oil is the most important commodity in the world. Every month British and American troops are getting killed in Iraq to ensure that Haliburton have a good balance sheet, and it is in their interest to ensure that the oil they get at a very low cost is sold while the market is good for them.

It is in their interest to oppose any linitations on carbon emissions, so they buy some scientists as did the tobacco, automotive and guns industries have done, they have learned from the past.

Or we can accept what 90% of the worlds climate experts are saying and face reality.

One thing is for sure, if we keep at it, we are going to screw things up - change is needed.

But We can reverse global warming if we have the political will to do so, that is important.

Maybe Global warning is being over-estimated, but it is better to be safe than sorry, and certainly exacerbating or accelerating the situation is no good

Guns need people to pull the trigger, and I could kill you just as easily with a knife, baseball bat, or other sharp/blunt/heavy instrument. Guns were already banned from schools. They were never legal in schools to begin with. (In recent history). In the UK, the only people that have guns are the criminals and some law enforcement people. The bad guys will ALWAYS find a way to get weapons, it doesn’t matter how many laws and restrictions you put on them. Do you think they get their weapons through legal channels in the first place? So we’ve eliminated Joe Blow who catches his wife cheating and she lives, but three days later she’s at the bank and get’s shot because some hardened criminal robs the bank and no one has the power to stop him. Great trade off. Plus, if law enforcement officers in schools were allowed to have guns, shoot, even hire a select group of policeman just to protect our schools, none of the school shootings would occur. I personally enjoy shooting rifles and handguns at targets, cans, whatever. It is unfair to me and other law abiding citizens to ban guns because criminals use them. Like I said, criminals will always find a way. Would you rather break into a house knowing that the owner didn’t have anything to defend himself with, or would you rather break into a house knowing the owner would be waiting for you with a .40 S&W?


Its the same mentality that allowed:

Car companies to say Seatbelts would not save lives until the 1960’s

Tobacco companies to say smoking did not cause lung cancer

Tobacco companies to say that nicotene was not addictive.

Gun companies say Guns dont kill people, People do.

In Columbine after the massacre, they banned trenchcoats in schools, not guns.

Since then there have been several more school massacres, we even have a term for it for Gods sake.

In the UK after Hungerford they banned assault weapons, After Dunblaine they banned handguns, the result is there has been no repeat of such tragedies.

Do you really have that dim a view of the American government? I do not agree with everything that has been done, but no one can make me believe that Saddam Hussein wasn’t a horribly evil person. So thousands of people have died in Iraq since we took over? News flash, and this is something the news agencies like to sweep under the rug, when he was in power, MILLIONS of people were killed and tortured. Genocide against the Kurds and anyone else who opposed him got the same fate. No, it may have not been the right time to go in. No, I don’t think that the government’s policies have been perfect, but I refuse to believe that so many could be conned into a war that was all for the benefit of Haliburton.


Oil is the most important commodity in the world. Every month British and American troops are getting killed in Iraq to ensure that Haliburton have a good balance sheet, and it is in their interest to ensure that the oil they get at a very low cost is sold while the market is good for them.

It is in their interest to oppose any linitations on carbon emissions, so they buy some scientists as did the tobacco, automotive and guns industries have done, they have learned from the past.

Oh! I get it! THE SKY IS FALLING ! ! ! Did I miss something? This thread has, what, to do with surfboard design?

Please remember, this is a “Surfboard Design Forum”…