Feedback for a fish (with pics)

Hey all, I’ve been working on a 5’10 fish from a stringerless blank. It measures 5’10 x 16n x 21w x 15t x 2.5 thick. My goal was to shape a retro fish (which turned out not to be what happened in the end). It’s looking more like a “modern” fish, of sorts. As you can see in the pics, going from the center towards the tail, the tail seems to be a bit more rounder than an old school fish, instead of straight lines to the tail. I wanted something to skate down the line and had been planning on twin keels. Will this design still work, or should I modify the shape or my overall direction? I though about taking some length off the tail and try to make the shape more “straighter”, but i’m 5’11, 160 lbs, so i’m thinking the length is as short as its going to get. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

I would go for a quad instead if you’re looking for a fast skatey board. How wide is the pod at the tips? On a more modern fish they might be 9-10" instead of 11-12."

And just for reference, you could go shorter if you want. A friend of mine is your height and weight and he rides one of my 5’0" x 22" x 2 3/4" designs without any problems. 5’8" wouldn’t be too much of a stretch if you wanted to take a couple inches off.

Looks like a nice clean finished shape to me. If you try to change any of the variables now your problems will probably snowball on you. For example, if you change the length, you will need to refoil the board, change the rails, etc. Finish it off and see how it surfs. You can alter your next based on the feedback you get from this board. What is the distance between the tips? I have a Lis fish, 10.5 between tips I think going from memory. It has Gephart double foiled twin fins. Not keels. So that is also an option on a fish with more contemporary lines. I like the Pavel quads on wide fat fishes. Not just the winged speed dialer fish type boards I see on the Internet. You can get the Geppies from True Ames or make them yourself. Mike

it may be just me but, twinser anyone?