I have to say, I love hearing Terry’s (and other’s) comments on being able to do full choke thicknessing at top speed…quite a few foams out there can’t do this and some of us flow a helluva lot better with speed as part of our rhythm. Nobody should have to fall asleep while mowing.
Where are you located? Email Curtis at with your needs, he runs production. We do our own stringer work and they’re all straight. Balsa, Cedar and Bass, 3 sticks, Tbands, you name it. Jed Noll even created a new stringer set up that will be introduced at the next show. The Takayama’s are stoked on the stringers and the foam and have brought all of their business to Just Foam.
We’ve caught up to 4 days out but we’re expecting a couple more container orders (they put us back at least 5 days).
Scott, yes, straight stringers are a real plus. Really helps the planshapes and marking fin placement (LOL).
As far as production needs…I’m pretty focused with other folks to be honest. And I’m not a production mogul or a retired 24 yr old trillionaire dotcommer bored and looking for something to do. I am, however, a designer shaper with a lot of history and accomplishments that shall remain obscure for all time as I didn’t spend the better part of my life thumping my chest to impress media folks. Ironically most of t was acknowledged in the sailboard industry where we could actually quantify design accomplishments by clocking speed trials with radar although having Brett Lickle ride 60 ft. faces on Maui didn’t hurt either.
But nowadays I’m Mr. Nobody andI’m in a low volume area (Santa Barbara) where the only FAMOUS PEOPLE that ever existed here are Al Merrick, Rennie (well deserved), and Greenough. The rest of us don’t exist.
Funny how that works.
Still, whatever you are doing to provide a foam with the dynamics being claimed and that doesn’t tear at speed is a major coup. Congrats. If I ‘get discovered’ and suddenly need to machine a thousand a week my people will call your people.