Feedback on the New JUST FOAM blanks

Today, Monday, August 13th, 2007 JUST FOAM poured the first of their new molds (13 and 4 more almost ready) with absolutely fantastic results! Way behind on orders and grateful to the entire surfboard manufacturing community for sticking by us, encouraging us and assisting us at every turn.

I hope we can serve you as well as you have served us. New blank sizes to be posted on the web shortly.


Scott Saunders

Just Foam

High Performance Blanks

Oceanside, Ca

760 643 2285


Welcome back Scotty!!!

Your business reincarnation comes as good news.

Please let us know the best way to contact you.

Best Regards,


Welcome back! (Don’t play with matches).

that’s really sick, I like it! We are planning a grand opening in the next few weeks, I’ll post the were and when. How about this, it’s gonna be a barbeque! Tell me I’m not bold and a risk taker!

…you’re an entrepeneur…of course you’re a risk taker.

Au Revoir


Just Foam opened our doors for business last week. I wanted to get blanks to some hand shapers as they are much more critical of acceptable and mediocre foam than machine finishers. During this past week we received feedback from our first samples to the following shapers; Michael Baron, owner/shaper, Byrne Surfboards; Terry Martin, head shaper for Hobie Surfboards; Al Merrick, owner/shaper Channel Islands Surfboards; Gary McNabb, owner/shaper Nectar Surfboards; Cordell Miller, owner/shaper Cordell Surfboards with the following results:

Michael Baron (MB); (hand shaped) “Hand shaped better than any foam I have ever worked with, perfectly consistent throughout the blank, much harder than the Just Foam blanks prior to the fire yet easier to shape and no tearing whatsoever. Super good cell structure. It glassed great too! Surfed it this weekend and the Just Foam blank surfed and held up as good or better than ever!”

Terry Martin; (hand shaped) Terry actually skipped (like a child at Christmas) through his second and third pass to see if the foam would tear and then became excited for the first time in years. “The foam is consistent from skin to interior with no pour lines, no change in consistency, very lightweight and very hard, yet very easy to shape. I pushed my planer as fast as I could with no tearing, even down to the center while doing the rails. This is the most excited I have been in years of shaping. I actually look forward to hand shaping this foam in the future. The Comp lite is comparable in hardness to the US Foam green version but at 20-30% less weight. The 9.3 blank I shaped was perfect in dimension and the natural rocker fits most rockers I use. Congratulations Just Foam!”

Al Merrick; Don’t change a thing, fantastic foam. Bobby will have his as soon as they are glassed!

Gary McNabb; (hand shaped) “This foam cut perfectly without any inconsistency whatsoever. The first time in many years I have been able to do 2 passes with the planer set at full cuts with out hitting a hard or soft spot of some sort. The foam sands down very easily for as hard as it is with excellent looking cells and straight stringers. Congratulations to Just Foam for giving the shapers what they have wanted for years!”

Cordell Miller; “Just Foam blanks were great before and they’re even better now. Keep up the good work Just Foam!”

As the above seasoned and experienced shapers have testified to, our new Just Foam blanks are superior to any other polyurethane foam blank on the market today. But don’t take their word for it, try one your self over the next two weeks to see if you agree with them. We anticipate having our first shift maxed out soon, therefore we are encouraging each of you to pre order your monthly needs as we will be filling our pre-ordered monthly orders on a first come first served basis only. Don’t be left without Just Foam blanks in your arsenal.


Scott Saunders


High Performance Blanks

Oceanside, Ca

Ofc 760 643 2285


Timmy Patterson says Just Foam Blanks are the best he’s ever shaped, perfect in consistency, whiteness and shape-ability.

Tommy Maus (Takayama Surfboards) harder yet easily shaped without one tear, and I used a dull blade, fully open on each pass, as fast as I could go. This foam is unreal. Super tight cells, hard on the inside without any difference in the density and super white while still being lighter than what I have been using. The team riders love the performance of this foam too! THey actually ask for it when they order boards.


                          seems like large cell garbage foam, but its better than Elova Foam.

Funny how the shapers who have made a name for themselves are willing to publish there names along with their negative or positive feedback.

Gotta love those of you who are afraid to put your name up there. Hope you like the foam you’re using Natas, you seem to be in a world all your own.

Good luck and blessings to you,

Scott Saunders

Just Foam


          natas is my name, no need to bless me because I am not a christian.

Had one good and the other very large cell structure. So right now your 50/50 with me I’m also using US, Bennett, and Surfblanks.

But go easy on me as I’m not 100% on board and I attend a different type of church from yours!

Timmy Patterson and Michael Baron noticed the large cell structures first on one or two of their delivery. It still glassed out very light, but I was unhappy. We took care of it the next shift. Cells have been fantastic since it was brought to our attention early last week 1/17.

In fact I called Channel Islands to let them know prior to getting any of the larger cell blanks. We stand behind our product and welcome all feedback in order to improve the foam. At this point, after having samples from each batch shaped and checked for tight cells since 1/17 we are at zero seconds and all tight cells.

Thanks for the honest feedback,

Scott Saunders

Just Foam

760 643 2285

Hey Scott, before the fire I used to come to the old factory to pick up my blanks. Is that still possible at your new place or should I go somewhere else for Just Foam blanks? Thomas Patrick

come on by, call Curtis to schedule and order

Curtis 760 532 1750


I hope I am always approachable and respectful of your opinion and religion. We have not had one large cell complaint (or any other complaints for that matter) in the 4 weeks. Depending on where you obtained your blank it could have been a bit older.

Stay in touch and feel free to call me if you have any questions or concerns. I’m a hands on owner dedicated to my customers.



Really trying to keep this thread alive eh? How is buisness?


Hay Natas,


This gentleman has bent over backwards to be polite and all you give in return is smart*ss remarks. Cool it or head back to surfermag…


Really trying to keep this thread alive eh? How is buisness?


Our business is booming right now, even as we come into the slow period of December and January. Three countries, two coasts, 3 West Coast states and Merrick’s entire team is requesting our foam for their boards. Al’s excited about the foam, so are most of the other top shapers from Ventura to San Diego. No returns, happy customers, 5.3lb finished boards… Yeah, everybody seems to be happy and ordering more each day. Only problem right now is we are a bit backed up on deliveries-out to about 9 days for the more popular blanks.

Hope your business is doing well too NATAS.


Scott Saunders

Just Foam