Ferrelli Stringerless

Does anyone remember the Ferrrelli Stringerless? It was long. Why don’t people make stringerless shortboards? Does anyone have an opinion on curved stringers…Saw one at Basham’s the other day…


Do you mean a Farrely Stringerless? By Midget Farrely. Made by G&S back in the '60s. I’ve made lots of stringerless boards. They’re fine.

Hey, I built a few stringerless board with eps foam. The problem is you have to put more layers of fabric in order to make it strong enough. I used to put 3 layers top and 2 layers bottom, both in 6 oz fabric. This make the board much heavier. Regards, CrabieHK

You can know order curved stringers from Clark Foam. Jono

Ferelli was a Long Island pizza guy who made V-bottom knock offs on the side…

Ok, Farrely… So, it was Midget…That guy is still building boards…saw him at bashams the other day…

Different Midget, you saw Midget Smith at Bashams. Midget Farrely is in Australia. He is the owner of Surfblanks Australia.