This is fairly off topic (ok, entirely off topic), but it seems like there is a wealth of fiberglassing knowledge here and potentially some folks who might have creative ways to help me.
I’m trying to develop a prototype loop antenna for RFID technology,
ideally, once an appropriate layup is ready, we would be seeking
relatively large quantities (10s to 100s). I need to make a hollow loop
(run cable through the inside of the tubing) with a overall diameter of
2-3 ft. Up to now, we have been using PVC pipe, but the PVC is not robust enough to withstand the rugged treatment these
antennas encounter (being snagged on branches, hit on rocks, etc). Fiberglass seems like an ideal solution. Internal diameter needs to be
somewhere around 3/8"-1/2" to fit the cable, but can be up to 1". A good
illustration of what a typical antenna looks like:
What has me a little hung up is how to do a cost effective layup that would be “mass” (like 10-100) produced. Anybody know somebody with great fiberglass fabbing skills who might be interested in developing some prototypes?